Rabbi Jonathan Cahn takes a look at the future of America

Morningside was once again blessed by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn as he and Jim and Lori discussed many earthshaking and pivotal topics including the storm on the East Coast and the nation’s choices this election year.

Rabbi Cahn, who lives in the New York City area, experienced the wrath of the storm, “Sandy” first-hand. He was without power for several days and he has two small children! However, the Fuel-Less Generator he received from Morningside proved to be a tremendous blessing to him and his family as it provided the power they needed in the midst of the storm!

Pastor Jim recalled the news reports of the misery caused by the storm, “Sandy” – reports of rotting food, long lines for gas and water, and much raiding and looting. He warned that there will be more and more weather out of control and other events that signal the coming of Jesus! “Something so big is coming,” Pastor Jim said as they continued the discussion.

The topic then turned to the election and Rabbi Cahn explained that God will send warning after warning, many harbingers, to a nation who is departing from God to warn them to turn back to Him. Pastor Jim asked the Rabbi if “Sandy” had any part of “The Harbinger,” and the Rabbi replied that storms like Sandy don’t usually come in November, and they don’t usually come to New York City and New Jersey. During the storm “Sandy,” the Hudson River actually poured into the Ground Zero site where the Freedom Towers are being built (bigger, better & stronger) to replace the World Trade Center buildings brought down in the greatest Harbinger this nation has ever experienced. The pattern in “The Harbinger” is one of defiance to God’s warnings.

Yet, the pattern of defiance in the choices America is making remains the same. The Rabbi and Pastor Jim discussed how they believe that the reason “The Harbinger” came out in 2012 was because this is a pivotal year for this country. Rabbi Cahn explained that 4 years ago, not all people knew the choices they were making when they chose a candidate to lead America, but this time, they knew and chose to move in a direction away from God.

Though pundits and pollsters attempted to explain the demographics of the people groups who voted in this 2012 election, Rabbi Cahn said that it’s not about people groups! It’s about America turning away from God, and with every new generation, the country is shifting and changing. Rabbi Cahn declared Christians in America reached—and went over—a tipping point as it no longer has political influence. This is what America voted for – and it’s an advance towards apostasy and judgment.

The Rabbi warned that there will come more shaking, or Harbingers, if the nation continues on this path. He also admonished the Christians to be light to the darkness that is blanketing this country. He recalled how Peter and Paul lived in an anti-Christian culture but they were bright lights and they shown bright in a dark world.

He said we cannot be intimidated into silence.

The book, “The Harbinger,” was released on the Jim Bakker Show on January 2, 2012 (Pastor Jim’s birthday!) and has been on the New York Times bestseller list for 40 consecutive weeks, selling over 800,000 copies! It is an End-Time wake-up call to the nation to turn back to God. It has now been nominated for the most prestigious award in America.

Be sure to tune in as Rabbi Cahn and Pastor Jim continue these discussions this week. We will be broadcasting on the live web stream at 11 a.m. Central Time. These shows will be aired on national television beginning Friday, November 9th, 2012 and will continue the whole week of November 12th-16th, 2012.

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