Pope Francis Calls For Atheists To Join In Peace

Pope Francis divested from his prepared text during his Christmas address to the world, calling on atheists to walk away from their hostility toward people of faith and join with them in seeking peace for the world.

The Pope said that atheists can join with believers of all religions for a “homemade peace” that can spread around the world.

“I invite even non-believers to desire peace. (Join us) with your desire, a desire that widens the heart. Let us all unite, either with prayer or with desire, but everyone, for peace,” the Pope said.

Much of the Pope’s address focused on bringing peace to the world. He specifically spoke of places that have suffered significant turmoil or civil war during 2013 such as Syria and South Sudan.

“Wars shatter and hurt so many lives!” the Pope declared. He went on to speak of how wars impact the most vulnerable in a society such as children, the elderly, the sick and battered women.

The Pope reminded all that Jesus was the light of the world and that God can bring peace to our land.

“God is peace: let us ask him to help us to be peacemakers each day, in our life, in our families, in our cities and nations, in the whole world,” Pope Francis said.

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