Over 40 Percent of Americans Read The Bible Online

The American Bible Society has released their 2013 “State of the Bible” report and revealed that just over 4 in 10 Americans reads the Bible online.

The report says 29% of Americans search for Bible verses on smartphones while 17% use a Kindle or iPad.

“The data shows a continual shift to digital content. The number of Bible readers who use their smartphone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year, with a 6 percent increase in the use of this format from 2012,” the ABS reported.

The survey of just over 2,000 households found the most read version was the King James Version.

The report also showed a 4% decrease in the number of homes that contain a print Bible. In 1993 92% had a printed copy while only 88% do today.

The internet app “Bible” by YouVersion recently passed 100 million downloads in the Apple App Store, making it on the same level of downloads at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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