Obama Administration To Deport Christian Family

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A German family seeking to escape persecution of Christian homeschoolers fled to America looking for freedom and now will be sent back to Germany by the Obama administration.

The Supreme Court denied to hear the appeal of the Romeike family on Monday clearing the way for the administration to force them out of the country.

The administration claimed that because of the goal of Germany was for an “open, pluralistic society” that forcing children to engage in a government school where their values would not be taught or held up for ridicule would allow them to act as fully functioning citizens.

The Home School Legal Defense Association said this is just another step in the Obama administration’s overall campaign to crush religious freedom in the United States.

“The Obama administration’s attitude toward religious freedom, particularly religious freedom for Christians is shocking,” Michael Farris, HSLDA Chairman, told Fox News’ Todd Starnes. “I have little doubt that if this family had been of some other faith that the decision would have never been appealed in the first place. They would have let this family stay.”

In Germany, where homeschooling is illegal, the family will likely have their children taken away by the government.

5 thoughts on “Obama Administration To Deport Christian Family

  1. We as Christians must remember this family in our prayers. Our Lord and Savior can make away for them to stay here in America. Our president is going to regret down the road that he has taken Christian freedoms from the American people it’s just a matter of time for I believe the coming of Jesus is on the horizon. We are the last generation
    and the Four Blood Moons are about to appear starting in September 2014.

  2. Sad. I have followed this story for awhile now on CBN News. I am not surprised that Obama isn’t sympathetic to their plight. Such a lovely family. We can still pray for their help. If God can do what the Republicans were accused of before, and shut down Washington with the snow, He can stay the hands of evil men wherever. Clinton sent the little Cuban boy back after his mother died trying to get him to freedom here. Evil men wax worse and worse but God is greater.

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