New York Times Accused of Anti-Israel Bias

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Pro-Israel groups are claiming an article printed in the New York Times shows an inherent anti-Israel bias in the newspaper’s reporting.

NYT Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren has been under fire from groups for an article that dismissed Palestinian rock throwers, saying their deadly assaults on Israelis soldiers and citizens as a “hobby” and “rite of passage”. The article prompted a response from the Israeli Defense Forces reporting facts not included in the Times article, such as six Israeli civilians injured in rock throwing incidents in July and previous incidents where women and children were killed by rock throwing at vehicles.

Now, Rudoren has been caught printing completely false information in an article regarding settlements in areas the Palestinians claim should be their land.

In her article “Israeli Decree on West Bank Settlements Will Harm Peace Talks, Palestinians Say”, Rudoren wrote “The United States, along with most of the world, considers these [Israeli] settlements illegal, and some of them sit in the heart of the area imagined as a future Palestinian state.”

However, the United States does not consider the settlements illegal.

After an outcry from Israeli supporters about the false information, the Times revised the article with a correction that reads: “An earlier version of this article misstated the United States’ view of the West Bank settlements seized by Israel in the 1967 war. While much of the rest of the world considers them illegal, the United States has taken no formal position in the the [sic] past several years on whether they are legal or illegal. (In a statement on Tuesday, the State Department said, “We do not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement activity.”)

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