New York City Resident Admits Being ISIS Sympathizer

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A 21-year-old New York City man is jailed after attempting to stab an FBI agent during a terrorist investigation raid.

Fareed Mumuni is accused of being a supporter of ISIS.  The FBI raided his home in Staten Island Wednesday and during the raid he tried multiple times to stab an FBI agent.

“As the officers attempted to restrain (him), Mumuni repeatedly attempted to plunge the knife into the torso of an FBI special agent and reached out with his hand in the vicinity of a rifle used by another member of law enforcement,” read the criminal complaint.

The agent with the Joint Terrorism Task Force wasn’t injured as the knife was never able to penetrate his body armor.

Mumuni is believed to have been working with two other men to place pressure cooker bombs similar to those used in the Boston Marathon attacks around New York City.

Mumuni has confessed to discussing how to build a pressure cooker bomb with one of the other suspected terrorists and that he planned to join ISIS in the Middle East.  He is being held without bail.

His relatives insist that Mumuni is innocent.

“It’s not true he pulled a knife on cops,” uncle Mohammed Alfonga said. “You think he’d be alive if he did that? They would have shot him in the living room.”

“He may have been caught with the wrong crowd,” Alfonga added. “The other guys said he’s involved, they have to arrest him. But they took everything, his computers. They didn’t find anything.”

There have been arrests of suspected ISIS sympathizers in 19 states in the last two years.

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