Navy Orders All Bibles Removed From Hotels At Bases

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The U.S. Navy has issued a directive ordering the removal of all Bibles from lodges and hotels run on U.S. Navy bases after complaints from an vehemently anti-Christian organization.

“The current direction is to remove all religious material from Navy Lodge guest rooms,” read an email to a Navy chaplain from The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM). “For those Navy Lodges with religious materials currently in guest rooms, the Navy Lodge General Manager will contact the Installation Chaplain’s office who will provide guidance on the removal procedure disposition of these materials.”

The American Family Association who received a separate copy of the e-mail directive confirmed the e-mail’s contents.

The violently anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a complaint with the military claiming the existence of the Bibles in the hotel room meant the government was automatically endorsing the text.

Kathleen Martin, a spokesman for NEXCOM, avoided giving a direct answer to the issue when confronted by FoxNews reporter Todd Starnes.

“We looked at our policy — and realized there wasn’t a consistent policy regarding Navy Lodges,” she told Starnes. “We decided we needed to have some consistency and be consistent with the Navy.”

The Bibles were placed free by the Gideons.

2 thoughts on “Navy Orders All Bibles Removed From Hotels At Bases

  1. Typical directives, all the while they’d honor the koran… Any Christian tolerating this will be part of the problem. The servicemen and the lodge owners should refuse to do so! And Christian hating, jew hating organization should show their bravery by demanding mosque in America be shut down!

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