Major California Fire Jumps Highway

Acts 2:19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.

The “Rocky fire” in California has jumped a highway that firefighters had tried to make a firebreak and has now burned over 62,000 acres.

Fire crews have the fire 12 percent contained as veteran firefighters told reporters they’ve never seen an unpredictable fire like this one.

“I’ve been a firefighter for almost 20 years and I’ve heard 30-year and 40-year firefighters say that this is unprecedented,” firefighter Steve Kaufmann told KCRA.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection says the flames were pushing north and striking areas that had not burned in years.

“There were too many (spot fires) for us to pick up,” Battalion Chief Carl Schwettmann of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection told the San Francisco Chronicle. “With these drought-stricken fuels, it’s just moving at an extremely high rate of speed.”

Close to 3,100 firefighters are battling the blazes.  The Air Force Reserve has called up soldiers to give some relief to the firefighters.  C-130 Hercules planes from the Reserves has also joined the fight dropping fire retardant on the fire zone.

The good news is that no buildings were burned on Monday.

3 thoughts on “Major California Fire Jumps Highway

  1. I heard many years ago prophets say that California would be destroyed by fire. But I pray for MERCY and that it would rain! I know many Christians in California & Ministries. My daughter and grandchildren live there in a Jewish Orthadox neighborhood. Yes, we have all sinned and come short of God’s glory but Christ came to save not condem the world! I plead the blood of Christ & pray for mercy for our Nation. I pray for the Latter Rain to be poured out and that many more will come to Christ before he comes. Tell everyone in chat room Run To The Mercy Seat of God “NOW”!!!

    • Oh Eloisa, most Christians are praying exactly as you are, however, what we need to be praying about to the Lord, is that Ca and our Nation will repent and stop living wickedly and choosing to go against God’s will and His commandments. That is the only thing that will stay God’s judgement upon our land.

  2. God will not be mocked, California. If anyone doubts that God’s Hand is not in this, take a look at the fire map that Cal Fire has available online…. In the past 2 months, we have had fire blazing from one end of this state to the other. God told me He is giving His last warnings…… The Bible says that He will make the over used places desolate….. When was the last time that CA has had any rest? Man has chopped most of our trees down, used up our water, killed our soil, extinguished our animals….. poisoned our sea….. burdened the air with his pollutants…. And replaced our wondrous landscape with cement……
    Now, He is preparing the soil for replanting after the devastation occurs. As a Horticultural Professional, I can tell you that a common way to prepare soil for fresh planting is to burn the weeds and old fields.
    He also said that the people that have come here to destroy this beautiful state, will be making mass exodus to leave…. there will be hoards of desperate people trying to get back over the boarder….. there will be much violence and killings because people who don’t want to live for The Lord, will have great fear and that causes people to act out in terror. And the worse thing is that their own government will close the boarders and not let them back in……I can’t t speak Spanish, but if I could, I would be warning Spanish speakers about what is about to happen so they can get out now safely. Any of you Spanish (or any other language other than English) brothers and sisters in Christ please warn others. Maybe you folks at the PTL network could air your show on the Spanish networks if you aren’t t already doing so.

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