Iran Says World Has Surrendered To Their Will

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

The President of Iran has taken to the social media network Twitter to declare victory in their negotiations with the world over their nuclear program.

“Our relationship w/ the world is based on Iranian nation’s interests. In #Geneva agreement world powers surrendered to Iranian nation’s will,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wrote.

The statement is just the latest in celebratory declarations by Iran’s leadership saying that the deal struck in Geneva with major world powers is not going to hamper their ability to produce nuclear weapons.

“No facility will be closed; enrichment will continue, and qualitative and nuclear research will be expanded,” Iran’s chief negotiator Abbas Araqchi said. “All research into a new generation of centrifuges will continue.”

Iranian officials are also talking about a side deal, or “nonpaper”, which is code for an informal side agreement that does not have to be publicly admitted.

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