Former Olympian Who Refused Abortion Births Triplets

Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the Lord; babies are a reward.

A former Olympic gymnast who had doctors telling her to abort two of her unborn children to make sure the third baby was healthy has given birth to healthy triplets.

As previously reported, Jaime Halsey was told by doctors last fall to abort their children.

“We had our first scan in Northampton at 12 weeks and were immediately referred to specialists at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford,” she told the Northampton Chronicle in January. “They told us one of the twins is 25 percent smaller than the other and there’s a massive risk of further growth restrictions.”

Halsey flat out rejected the calls of their doctors and said that she would give life to her babies no matter what it would cost her.

On February 24th, Halsey gave birth through Cesarean section.

Triplet girls Eden Rose, Amber Joy and Erin Aila are all doing fine.  They will remain hospitalized until they gain more weight as they were born premature.

“We both know that the triplets have a long way to go, and many hurdles to get over before we can bring them home; but we know that we have given them the best chance possible and the wonderful medical staff at the JR have and will continue to give them the best chance possible too,” her husband added.

4 thoughts on “Former Olympian Who Refused Abortion Births Triplets

  1. In the 1920 – 40’s Doctors gave unwed mothers to much pain medicine on purpose to cause the baby to be born having heart attacks. Doctors who aborted babies went to prison.

  2. God Bless STRONG women who think first of their babies and not themselves. They are what is RIGHT in this country. I happened to be one that a doctor tried to kill before I was born.

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