Farmers take to the streets in a Tractor Protest over Government’s Great, Green, Globalist agenda

Farmers' protests - Hamburg 08 January 2024, Hamburg: Tractors are parked in the city center after a rally as part of the farmers' association's week of action. In response to the federal government's austerity plans, the farmers' association has called for a week of action with rallies and rallies starting on January 8. It is to culminate in a major demonstration in the capital on January 15. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa (Photo by Marcus Brandt/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Isaiah 10:1-2 Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!
Proverbs 17:23 The wicked accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice.

Important Takeaways:

  • Farmers Revolt! Tractor Protests Bring Germany to Standstill over Government’s Globalist Agenda
  • Farmers brought Germany to a standstill with Dutch-style tractor protests throughout the country on Monday in response to globalist policies of the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which they claim threaten the very existence of the agriculture industry.
  • …the leftist coalition government’s plans to increase taxes on diesel fuel and eliminate the car tax exemption for farmers in addition to making deep cuts on the subsidies for the farming sector.
  • The proposed tax increases and funding cuts came as the government attempted to fill a 17-billion-euro ($18.6-billion) hole in the budget for 2024.
  • Ahead of the planned week of protests from farmers, the government said that it would be willing to walk back some of the farming subsidy cuts and re-organize the tax increases over the next three years. However, the German Farmers’ Association (DBV) said that such moves would be insufficient to stave off the economic disaster facing many farmers throughout the country.
  • President of the German Farmer’s Association Joachim Rukwied said that the government was “depriving agriculture of its future viability”. Rukwied said that the combination of rising energy costs — a result of years of green agenda policies combined with the war in Ukraine — and the proposed subsidy cuts and tax hikes would see the average farmer in Germany lose at least a third of their income.
  • The Farmer’s Association chief went on to dispute the government’s claims that it was short of money, arguing that the bloated government in Berlin has a spending problem rather than an income problem, arguing that the government should seek to make cuts in other areas.
  • The farmer protests in Germany follow the example set by their counterparts in the Netherlands, who staged a similar rebellion against the Great Reset-style agenda of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who sought to shut down thousands of farms in order to comply with the European Union’s green agenda.

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