Ebola Outbreak Spiraling Out of Control

Revelation 6:7,8 NCV When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!"8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

The head of the CDC is publicly stating that the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is “spiraling out of control” as the death toll has topped 1,900 and another American missionary has been confirmed to be infected with the virus.

Dr. Tom Frieden reports many countries “turned their backs” on those coming form countries who have been hit hard by the virus and that containment measures are actually hurting relief efforts in effected areas.

Frieden attended a United Nations conference where the world agency says over $600 million will be needed in medication and supplies to stop the outbreak.

The health officials at the UN conference also warned of the increase in spread of the virus.  Cases have been reported in Nigeria and Senegal adding to the number of nations treating patients.

“We are working intensively with those governments to encourage them to commit to the movement of people and planes and at the same time deal with anxieties about the possibility of infection,” UN Coordinator for Ebola Dr. David Nabarro said.

Meanwhile, another health worker for the Christian relief agency SIM has been confirmed as a victim of the virus.  Details are still sketchy regarding the latest case but officials say the man was working with pregnant women in a wing of the hospital away from Ebola cases and it was not clear how he was infected.

5 thoughts on “Ebola Outbreak Spiraling Out of Control

  1. There are natural anti-virals that the medical community never acknowledges, so people remain unware that they exist. If it will not prosper pharmeseutical companies, it is not considered. We are lead to believe that E. Bola, AIDS, cancer are incurable…but it is only because of our devotion to men’s opinions, and because of this we remain willing slaves to our own ignorance. MMS has been in use for some time in Africa in curing plagues and malaria, though the FDA seeks its removal. I use it myself.
    Ionic silver, olive leaf extract and many more natural herbs are highly anti-viral.
    Modern science depends on toxic drugs & antibiotics, insecticide-type preventatives which only confound our immunity more.

  2. Ebola, you filthy, foul, demonic spirit of voodoo! I told you once, and I’m telling you now. I’ll NOT tell you again. LEAVE THE DOCTORS ALONE! In the name of Jesus, whose I am and Who I serve, I rebuke you! Thus far you shall go and no further, in Jesus’ name! Do you think you can raise your head above the name of Christ?! NO! You cannot raise your head above the name of Jesus! For He has been given a name above EVERY OTHER name! You will NOT trespass or cross the line that God has set. Now you will go back to where you came from, and to the one who sent you in Jesus’ name!

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