Dallas Hit With Swarm Of Earthquakes

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A swarm of earthquakes has struck in the Dallas area.

Part of the blame is being thrown toward the Dallas Cowboys.

Seismologists have been placing monitoring stations around the site of the old Texas Stadium, the longtime home of the Dallas Cowboys.  The stadium was imploded April 2010.

A fault line ran directly underneath the stadium’s location.  Seismologists say it’s possible the implosion caused stress energy in the fault to release causing small shifts.

“If you beat on this and shake it, it’s going to have a tendency to slide. Not the big ones [faults], but all the little ones,” Dr. Len Kubicek, a geology professor at nearby North Lake College told CBS. “It can splinter into several faults and one of these little faults, especially where that stadium was, you do an explosion on top of it and beat it up and down — it has a tendency to move.”

Environmentalists say that it’s more likely wastewater injected during fracking is the cause of the quakes.  However, Dr. Kubicek and state officials say there are no fracking wells within the city.

Dr. Kubicek says it’s unlikely there will be a huge quake.

“If you get a lot of small earthquakes you’re probably not going to ever get a big one. Because if you have a big earthquake you have to have a lot of stored energy; and if you keep having little ones you can’t store it.”

One thought on “Dallas Hit With Swarm Of Earthquakes

  1. I find it extremely interesting that the Dallas Cowboys Football Team has long been acclaimed as, “America’s Team”. According to the website, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, (quoting website) “The term “America’s Team” is a nickname in the United States that refers to the Dallas Cowboys. The nickname originated with the team’s 1978 highlight film, where the narrator opens with the following introduction, “They appear on television so often that their faces are as familiar to the public as presidents and movie stars. They are the Dallas Cowboys, “America’s Team”.[1]
    Prophetically, “America’s Team” represents the United States of America. The ground is shaking beneath the site of “America’s Team”, AND beneath the United States of America, which was likely caused by the “self-destruction” of itself by implosion. Society in America has been in self-destruct mode for a long time.
    1Cor 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. “First the natural, then the spiritual.” What we see in then natural is a picture of what is going on in the spiritual.
    The ground is shaking beneath America’s Team. God is shaking America!

    {1.^ab “NFL Top Ten, Top Ten Nicknames: America’s Team”. NFL Network. Retrieved 2009-10-09.}

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