Christian Student Who Shared Christ Suspended From School

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A high school student in Everett, Washington has been suspended from school multiple times for sharing Jesus with his classmates.

Michael Leal, a senior at Cascade High School, has been suspended three times since September for his efforts to provide the truth of Christ to classmates.  He hands out gospel literature and preached at an open air school event.

The school says that Leal is a disruption and has threatened him with expulsion if he does not stop talking about Christ to his classmates.

Cascade High School attorney Michael Patterson claims it’s not because of the Christian content even though the principal of the school told Leal it’s “breaking the law” if he distributed Christian materials.

“At no time was Mr. Leal told that his distribution of material or his statements were inappropriate at school because of their religious content,” he wrote. “Rather, he was informed of district policy … and told that he needed to comply with it. He was also informed that he could not create a substantial disruption at school or school events.”

The Pacific Justine Institute is defending Leal and says that at no point did Leal harass any student or staff member and did not disrupt any event.

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