Anti-Christianists Demand Rescinding of Funding For Christian-Themed Park

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

An anti-Christian group is demanding that the state of Iowa rescind funding for a park in Sioux City that would have a Christian theme.

The virulently anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter demanding the state’s Vision Iowa Board rescind a $140,000 grant awarded to The Shepherd’s Garden. The park with a Christian theme is due to be completed in the downtown Sioux City area by the end of the September.

The park, which will have a stone path with Bible Verses and prayer stations available to visitors, will also have a significant amount of green space, trees and flowers.  Vision Iowa authorities say the funding is going to develop the green space and agricultural aspects of the park, not the religious aspect.

Tina Hoffman, the Communications Director for the Iowa Economic Development Authority, which oversees Vision Iowa, said that the contract for the grant has not been drafted but will be written to explicitly prohibit government funds from paying for any of the religious elements of the park.

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