Pastor Phil and Connie Rich

Born again at the age of five, Pastor Phil Rich knew he was called to the nations. Nations were in his heart, and he had dreams of ministering to a sea of people that reached as far as the eye could see. He saw faces that were many different colors. Some of these things are beginning to take place in now as he travels the world ministering.

The Lord spoke to Pastor Rich that he would sing, teach and preach for God. Today, as Founder and President of Ekklisia Ministries, Phil Rich is an apostolic prophet whose strong revelation teaching and preaching are marked by visible signs, wonders and miracles.  Phil Rich has a four part course on the prophetic and has written over fifty books and manuals on various subjects.

Connie Rich is the Vice president of Ekklisia Ministries,and pastors with her husband at Ekklisia Fellowship. Connie has a heart and love for people,she has a desire to see the lost saved and lives changed. Connie has a gift in prophetic praise  from writing her own music,and as a gifted psalmist.