Luke 18:1 says: “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-21 gives seven strong admonitions with verse 17 saying: “Pray without ceasing”, which means to always be in the attitude of prayer.
In a believer’s life: Prayer must be done! He commands it! People need it and must do it!
For God engages that something good will come out of praying, if one is in earnest and persevering in prayer.
Matthew 7: 7-8 (AMP) says: Ask and keep asking. Seek and keep seeking. Knock and keep knocking All done in faith, believing. (This is a promise, no exceptions)
Homer Hodge said: “Prayer should be the breath of our breathing. The thoughts of our thinking. The soul of our feeling. The Life of our living. The Sound of our hearing. The growth of our growing. Prayer in its magnitude is length without end. Width has no bounds. Heights without a top. Depth without a bottom. Without limit in its breath. Exhaustless in height. Fathomless in death. Infinite in extension.”
The Holy Spirit is the Mighty person of prayer. Romans 8:26. The Divine Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, puts into the human heart the burden of earth’s and man’s mighty needs and makes the human lips give voice to God’s desires.
Then, Romans 8:27-28 –“And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God; All things work together for good to those who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Jesus gave us the model prayer in Matthew 6:6-13 as to the approach to the Father: It doesn’t take long prayers to touch God, it just takes faith prayers, believing in our heart.
Five examples of prayer:
John 11:41-42 – Jesus prayer
1 Kings 18:36-37 – Elijah’s prayer
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 – Jabez’s prayer
Ephesians 1: 7-23 – Paul’s prayer
Ephesians 3:14-21 – Paul’s prayer
Those are prayers that are all short, but power-filled prayers. Faith in God gives birth to prayer, God’s Word is our foundation for prayer. God answers prayer!