As end times unfold, this age of grace is drawing to a close. But, within God’s window of time for prophetic events to occur, there are many windows of opportunity for God’s children. God doesn’t want us to panic or be driven by thoughts of worry, despair or uncertainty. He is still the same God who heals, delivers and saves! Recently the Lord shared with the Morningside Prayer Team that many of God’s people have been on the launching pad being pruned, purged, fine-tuned and taught by Holy Spirit to prepare them for this appointed time.
This is your time to say “yes” and fulfill your destiny on this earth before this window of grace closes and Jesus returns. Say yes, to what??
Well, just like Esther, God also has foreordained works and assignments for you. You were born for such a time as this! Esther said “yes” when she was asked to go before the king on behalf of her people. The book of Esther records this story. Esther’s “yes” made the difference in the survival of the Jewish people.
Likewise, our “yes” isn’t necessarily just for us, but usually includes others as well. We won’t know until we arrive in Heaven who was touched by our lives, prayers, love and outreach efforts. Your “yes” to Jesus can influence many lives whether you are aware of it or not.
This is it, this is the time in all of history that God chose for you to be on this earth to make a difference. No more time to hold back or just “do your own thing.” We are living in prophetic times foretold by ancient prophets long ago. And here we are!!
Begin practicing your muscle of obedience. The more often you submit by saying “yes” to the Lord, the stronger the habit of obedience becomes — just like exercising a muscle.
God knows exactly how much time is left and He still has a great plan for your life. Everything you have learned, everything you have gone through, every Bible lesson or sermon you have heard has prepared you for this season. There will never be another time or moment like the present. Why wouldn’t we say “yes” to our Lord when He has done so much for us?
Although negatives are constantly swirling around us through all the corruption, media, Hollywood and our corroding culture, there are some negatives that are GOOD. And what are some examples of negatives that produce good?
Well, in order to say “yes” to the Lord, many times we have to say “no” to other things. By cooperating with Holy Spirit and saying “no” when necessary, it can actually liberate you to say “yes” to the God things. When you determine to say “yes” to the Lord, to His leading and guidance and plan for your life, then your will is set to obey.
I’m sure all of you have seen the signs “Just say NO” (to drugs). Well, I propose a new sign “Just Say No to Sin” or “Just Say No to the devil.” By saying no to temptation, no to distractions, no to worldly ways, it frees you up to say “yes” to Jesus!! Say “no” and let go of unhealthy relationships that are hindering or taking you away from your destiny.
Perhaps you are saying in response, “Whom am I? I’m nothing special – doesn’t seem like God is, or can use me.” Are you kidding? If God can use a donkey to speak to Balaam in the Old Testament, He can surely use us! Read this interesting account in Numbers 22:15-38.
What does it require to be used of the Lord? Simple obedience! Years ago while in mission training school, I was taught that true success in ministry comes down to obedience. Simply obey – obey the Word of God and the voice of the Lord. God has adventurous, exciting and victorious journeys for each of us while here on this Earth.
Yes, there will still be trials, unexpected happenings and obstacles to overcome. But, the good news is that God is always with us and for us. The battle has already been won by our glorious conquering King Jesus. Always maintain a mindset of being a victor, not a victim. Remember, while going through each struggle in your life, you are following your victorious leader Jesus!
You can do anything God asks of you because He strengthens you.
Philippians 4:13—“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
When you received Jesus as your Savior, you said “yes” to God. You acknowledged Him as the Son of God, “yes,” that He died for you, “yes” that you needed forgiveness and you were giving your life to Him.
However, sometimes after our salvation experience and the years go by, we can become apathetic and not respond to the urgings of Holy Spirit. I encourage you to not miss those special assignments that God sends your way.
Say “yes” to Jesus and allow Him to minister to every part of your being. He has good gifts and wonderful divine appointments for each one of His children. God loves you so much!
Enjoy the song “I’ll Say Yes” by Don Moen.