Our Personal Shemitah (Pt. 1)

We’ve heard a lot of teaching from Rabbi Cahn and others about this Shemitah year that we are in right now, and most of it is focused on the nations of the world and how they will fare in the End Times based on their actions concerning the things of God.

But have you considered that this Shemitah year is also applied to what’s going on in your heart and life?  This is not only a global initiative, it is individual as well.

It’s a time that God gave us to get back in right standing because if we don’t, the judgment comes.  If our hearts are right, it could be a time of great blessing!  The good news is that judgment belongs to the Lord and He is kind and good to those who are working out their salvation.  This life in Christ is not a spectator sport, it is active involvement in God’s plan for redemption, fulfilling the reason we are here.  Continue reading

Boko Haram Kidnaps More Women

Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram has made another daring daylight kidnapping of young women from northern Nigeria.

The Islamist gunmen descended on a nomadic village just outside of Chibok, the town where the terrorists kidnapped 300 schoolgirls and young women on April 15th.  The gunmen pulled a truck into the center of the village, forced women to enter the truck at gunpoint and then fled before local militia could respond to the incident.

“We tried to go after them when the news got to us about three hours later,” Alhaji Tar, leader of one of the vigilante groups, told Fox News.  “The vehicles we have could not go far and the report came to us a little late.”

The attack was the only successful one by Boko Haram as Nigerian defense forces stopped raids on villages in Borno and Adamawa states.  More than 50 terrorists were reported killed by the military during the raids.

The military also announced the terrorists are trapped in the area around a lake with the 272 girls kidnapped in April but there is no way to attack them without the terrorists being able to see the attack coming form a distance.

MERS Confirmed In United States

The Centers for Disease Control has confirmed the deadly MERS virus has reached the United States.

The patient was found in Indiana.  He had traveled from Saudi Arabia to London and then to Chicago where he entered the country through O’Hare International Airport.  The male patient reportedly went to the hospital for treatment after experiencing shortness of breath on April 28th.

“The CDC, IDPH and CDPH do not consider passengers on the flight or bus to be close contacts of the patient and therefore are not at high risk,” CDC Director Dr. LaMar Hasbrouk said in a news release.

The U.S. now the 14th nation in the world to have reported cases of the killer virus.

The CDC is trying to assuage any fears among the public of an outbreak of the virus.

“It is understandable that some may be concerned about this situation, but this first U.S. case of MERS-CoV infection represents a very low risk to the general public,” said Dr. Anne Schuchat, assistant surgeon general and director of CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases.

The CDC has not yet issued a travel health warning for Saudi Arabia as Egypt has recently done because of the MERS outbreak.

Chemical Weapon Inspectors Return To Syria

UN chemical weapon inspectors are going to be returning to Syria on Wednesday according to statements from the Russian government.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told news outlets the investigators would focus on chemical weapons attacks at Khan al-Assal, Sheikh Maqsoud and Saraqueb. The locations were the initial destinations of the inspectors until the attack on a Damascus suburb August 21st that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. Continue reading

Pakistan Hit With Protests Over Church Bombing

Protesters carrying signs reading “Stop Killing Christians In Pakistan” took to the streets throughout the country claiming the government is not doing anything to stop Islamists from murdering Christians.

The double homicide bombing on Sunday has now reportedly lead to 85 deaths with the number likely to climb with many victims still in critical condition. Continue reading