Why I Share My Testimony

It is never pleasant to relive the past when I share my testimony.  But I do it because God uses it to comfort others.  A hurting woman knows I understand her pain and suffering when she hears that I have been down the same road.  And when she receives healing from God, she will extend that same comfort to yet others so that the circle of wounded healers widens.

I’ll never forget the first time I shared a short testimony before a group of women at Phoenix First in the fall of 1990.  I had panicked at the thought of standing before the pastors’ wives and the matriarchs of the church and telling them even the briefest highlights of my sordid past.  I had been a Christian for only about eighteen months, and I still carried a dump truck size load of shame about my past sins, even though I knew God had forgiven me and completely changed my life—in fact, he had called me into full-time ministry. Continue reading

Finding Comfort in the Old Hymns

It’s been a rough road, this journey I’ve been on with treatment for Hepatitis C. There were days that I lay at home in bed, unable to get up and do the simplest things of life. There was just no strength at all for anything.

During this time of treatment, I often took solace in worshipping God with music. While I enjoy many different genres of Christian music, I found the old hymns to be particularly comforting. There is something about a spiritual song that bypasses our humanity and goes directly through to the spirit. This kind of music pulls from the deepest parts of us to connect to the God we love and worship. Continue reading

My War on Alzheimer’s

I declared War on Alzheimer’s a few months back just like I did with diabetes years ago.  I just said I’m tired of my friends dying of it.  I’m tired of people that I love leaving you before they die.  It’s just wrong.

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given us a sound mind!  “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Now if God has given us a sound mind, then who do you think takes it away? Only a deceiving enemy bent on death and destruction!

So, I said there’s got to be some answers. And then I found out some countries have almost no Alzheimer’s so it had to be environmental, or something we were doing wrong.  And you would see a husband and wife (no blood relation) and they both would have Alzheimer’s. That made me think maybe it’s environmental, maybe it’s something we’re eating, maybe it’s something we’re doing wrong.  As I began to study, I found that there was a repeated theme of a #1 answer – coconut! Continue reading

The Healing Ministry of Kathy Troccoli (Pt 3)

This week I am continuing to share the ministry of Kathy Troccoli because it is so needed in today’s culture – inside the church and outside.  Life and it’s circumstances can be harsh at times, and we all need to know that there is hope… that God loves us through all the pain.  On one show recently, we talked about how you are defined by the people who love you. For some out there, this is definitely a blessing, but for others, it can seem like a curse… until you are born again and realize that the God of the Universe loves you unconditionally!

Let’s hear from Kathy. Continue reading

The Healing Ministry of Kathy Troccoli (Pt. 2)

Kathy Troccoli ministers out of her pain and brokenness – which the Lord has healed and set her in a place where she can feel the pain of others and speak to their pain.  Compassion is not something you can generate, or work up, and true compassion comes from familiarity.  The Bible tells us in Isaiah 53 that Christ was familiar with all of our suffering – everything that we could know as suffering – He knew. That’s why His compassion is so strong for His people. He knows their frailties and their weaknesses. But He said He would be strong in our weakness (2 Corinthians 13:4) and He does not lie!

Kathy’s book, “Am I Not Still God?” is written out of her pain.  She says, “there are times in our lives that we feel like we’re on the mountaintop, I call them glimpses of Eden, because we were meant to be in the garden and we’re not in the garden.  But when you’re on the mountaintop, and I have been, you have to expect to not be there for long.  And I love the Lord so much for not lying to us.  He’s so faithful and true.  He said, you’re going to go through it in this life, you’re going to go through it but I will be with you.  I want to say… if you’re on the mountaintop, enjoy it, but most of life goes through those deep, deep places.  Continue reading

The Healing Ministry of Kathy Troccoli (Pt. 1)

I am writing a series of blogs on the shows we just taped with Kathy Troccoli because I can’t help but do all I can do to get this word out – it is so powerful!  Kathy is not just a singer, she’s a Voice that God has given to the Body of Christ with a Message for the Times.

Let me first just say that if you didn’t catch the live shows with Kathy Troccoli, PLEASE be sure to catch the broadcasts when they air in your area.  These shows are some of the most powerful healing shows we have ever taped, and I can’t help but believe that God wants to heal so many of His precious ones because it’s time!  We are so close to His Second Coming and yet there are so many hurting, broken people.  When we operate out of our pain, we continue to hurt others and that needs to stop!  It needs to stop in our own lives so that it can stop in the lives of others.  A wounded spirit touches everything around it – and wounds again whatever it touches. Continue reading

Counting My Blessings!

One thing I know for sure is that sin has consequences. I’m urging you to not make the same mistakes I did. I have had to deal with sin’s consequences in my body.

For me those consequences showed up as Hepatitis C and all the side effects of this horrible disease. Plus, my five abortions ended in my not being able to later have children. My last aborted baby had not been totally removed and resulted in a life-threatening infection. I had to have an emergency hysterectomy.

I have never cried more tears than I have these last few months. I have never allowed God to deal with me in a sweet loving way like I have recently. I always felt I didn’t deserve it. I felt so unworthy. What my body has suffered over the years is because of my own wrong doing – bad choices. Continue reading

My Life and Testimony

My readers often ask me how I do it – how I manage my life with all that I have to do – and this health issue I am going through.  The short answer is “I don’t” and the long answer is “He gives me grace”.

I will soon write another book and you will get the inside scoop of what it’s like to be a restored woman in a high profile ministry, married to a dynamic visionary, and raising children – whew! My life and ministry, even with all its challenges, is a gift for which I am very grateful – but one which has been and continues to be very demanding

I will always be completely open and transparent about everything because I believe that people are looking for other REAL people, not people wearing masks or personas.  The Lord knows we have enough of those kind of people!  Some have said that it’s just TMI (too much information) and I need not tell every little detail of my life!  Continue reading

Needing the Prayers of the Saints

I have shared on the show how I am dealing with the fallout of some wild and crazy years when I was younger. This situation I now face with my health is requiring treatment that makes me physically ill – but will, in the long run, rid my body of this condition that is trespassing on God’s temple!

If you have watched our show, you know that Jim and I are not “religious” about the things of God, and we don’t put God in a box based on a certain way of thinking.  That’s why we’re okay with however God chooses to deal with this affliction.  God could heal me in a split second, but if He chooses the medicinal route, who am I to question His wisdom?  He knows best in all things, and I trust Him with every aspect of my life, both now and forever.

I have always loved and trusted God, even in the crazy years.  I know that sounds weird, but it’s true.  God never left me, though I left Him for a season.  He never stopped wooing me back, and He never stopped showing me that the path I was on was not what He intended for me. The prayers of my Mother and others came before the Lord constantly. Continue reading

Changes that can Save Your Life in 2014 (Pt. 2)

There is a lot of pressure in the responsibility for a Christian television show seen daily by millions. Occasionally, that pressure can be overwhelming, especially when you’re sick! Most people that saw the show in December and now in January had no idea that I was very sick when we filmed most of them. But, as they say in Hollywood, “the show must go on.” So, it did.

The only way I was able to continue to meet the demands of our taping schedule, was by giving my body everything it needed to help me through the sickness – and, of course, by the prayers of the saints. I added action to faith and the Lord saw me through it.

If it were not for all the nutritional products that God has brought into our lives and that we offer all of you, I would not have made it in December when I was so very sick – or any other time, for that matter. We ‘practice what we preach’ when it comes to the things we offer and you can be sure that I used every single thing I could to give me the strength I needed to get through the days. Continue reading