A Little Boy’s Voice (Pt. 3)

Babies? I had steeled myself not to think of them that way. Planned Parenthood had said they were blobs of tissue. I knew better, of course—at least on some level. But that’s the only way I could live with myself, to think of them as “problem pregnancies,” the flotsam and jetsam of an untimely conception, not as babies.

Heaven? Until that moment, I had vaguely thought of them as formless blobs out there in the universe somewhere. Were they really babies, really in heaven, as Melissa had just said? Continue reading

A Little Boy’s Voice (Pt. 2)

The broadcast that day by Focus on the Family was called “Tilly.” The skillful blend of voices and music and sound effects captivated me, and I was quickly lost in the story. I identified with the character named Kathy, a depressed woman who has a dream populated with lots of children. She discovers something different about these children: they have no names and no parents, and they don’t know where they came from. The ethereal background music clued the listener that these children were actually in heaven. I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

Children in heaven with no names and no parents. A woman who is depressed and doesn’t know what is wrong. Dear God, I know what’s wrong with her; I’ve been in her shoes. Continue reading

My Testimony

We are very, very close to the Grand Opening of “Lori’s House” so I wanted to share my testimony again so that newcomers can understand just how much this means to me.

I was just 17 years old when I had my first abortion, and just 21 when the last of 5 consecutive abortions left me unable to ever have a child.

I realize that not many of you have heard my entire testimony which I’ve recorded in my book, “More Than I Could Ever Ask.”  So, I feel like this is the perfect time to share with you the details of my life which Jesus redeemed with His precious Blood so that I can give others hope and spare them the grief and pain of abortion, and save the lives of the innocent.

I hope you are encouraged as you read Part one of this seven part series.



“A Little Boy’s Voice” (Pt. 1)

I fiddled with the knobs on the car radio as the kids chattered in the backseat. I had driven from Phoenix to Los Angeles to see Bobbi, and now the two of us were taking her daughter, Nikki, and her nephew Jason to the beach. It was a beautiful late summer day, blazing hot, near the end of August 1989.

Without being too obvious about it, I was looking for a Christian radio station. I figured Bobbi would want to listen to our usual rock music, so I reached for the dial first. Following my commitment to Christ five months earlier, I did not want to have anything to do with my former lifestyle, including the music.

A little girl’s voice cut through the static on the radio. She was saying something about Jesus. Great! A Christian children’s program, I thought smugly. This is perfect. I smiled and tapped my fingers against the steering wheel as the background music faded out and the dialogue started again.

As a new Christian I very much wanted to be a good influence on Bobbi and her family. After all, I had been responsible for leading her down the wrong path, introducing her to drugs and encouraging her toward promiscuity. And when Bobbi had wanted to straighten out her life and serve God two years earlier, I had been the one who kept drawing her back into the destructive party lifestyle. Now the tables were turned: I was on fire for God, and she was still trying to get me to snort crystal with her, tempting me with worn-out promises of a new and better high. For the first time in almost two decades, though, I wasn’t buying it.

Bobbi was as close to me as any blood relative could be—and with all my heart I wanted to help her find the same joy I had found when I gave my life to Jesus. I breathed a silent prayer of gratitude to God for finding a Christian children’s program. What a great ministry tool, I told myself. Bobbi will have to listen to it for the kids’ sake. But as we cruised down the Pacific Coast Highway listening to the radio, I discovered the audio drama was not a children’s program at all; instead it was directed squarely at me.

To be continued….

Bearing One Another’s Burdens

It’s a sad truth that there are many, many women sitting in our pews today that have been through the trauma of abortion and still carry the emotional and spiritual scars around with them.  It has troubled me that the reason they don’t talk about it and receive ministry for it, is that: No. 1 they are ashamed, and No. 2 they are afraid they will be judged by other church people.

This shouldn’t be, but it is.

When I told my story about my past abortions for the first time at Phoenix First Assembly of God, I was afraid too.  I thought that perhaps others would judge me and not want anything to do with me because of my past.  But, I couldn’t have been more wrong.  I didn’t find judgment that day when I gave my testimony, I found forgiveness and acceptance.

On a show recently, Jim said that we ought to bear one another’s burdens.  This comes from Galations 6:2  “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”  NLT

Nowhere have I heard this scripture explained better than in the commentary by Barnes:

“The law of Christ would not allow us to reproach the offender, or to taunt him, or to rejoice in his fall. We should help him to take up his load of infirmities, and sustain him by our counsels, our exhortations, and our prayers. Christians, conscious of their infirmities, have a right to the sympathy and the prayers of their brethren. They should not be cast off to a cold and heartless world; a world rejoicing over their fall, and ready to brand them as hypocrites. They should be pressed to the warm bosom of brotherly kindness; and prayer should be made to ascend without ceasing around an erring and a fallen brother. Is this the case in regard to all who bear the Christian name?”

If you need ministry because of past abortions, it’s time to get your healing.  You then, can help others who need healing and restoration.

Church, it’s time to rally around those who have been wounded and scarred by abortion.  It’s time to recognize that this is a widespread problem and those inside the Church are just as likely to have had an abortion as those outside.

It’s time to fulfill the law of Christ by helping our sisters (and brothers) bear this huge burden.

When Lori’s House is finished, we will minister to post-abortive women (and men).  Please keep us in your prayers.



Abortion and Spiritual Warfare

The warfare surrounding abortion is horrendous!  Whenever you try to do something in the area of saving lives, the spiritual warfare you will have to battle through is just horrendous!  I’ve know this for years, because I’ve worked with all the issues surrounding abortion.  But now, trying to build Lori’s House in these last days is even worse than all the previous years of warfare.

If you don’t think there really is a spiritual battle going on in the heavens over killing babies, just get involved in a project that tries to save these innocent little lives and see how ferocious the backlash is.

Jim and I are determined to build Lori’s House, but we have been delayed by a small vocal minority.  Isn’t that the way this thing (abortion) got started in the first place?  When the majority of people let the vocal minority rule in this country, we had things like abortion legalized, prayer taken out of schools, and the Ten Commandments removed from public buildings instituted.  If good people, God’s people, don’t stand up and do something, evil will prevail.

I’ve said for a long time now that I don’t understand how all that happened.  I don’t get it, I really don’t.  How can people be silent when being silent means our country is taken over by antichrist spirits?  They are against Christ – they are against anything to do with the commandments of Christ.

John Kilpatrick was recently on our show and Jim asked him if the warfare surrounding the Brownsville revival had been fierce.  John replied that it had been fierce, but he believed that the blessing from the revival (hundreds of thousands saved) was in direct proportion to the spiritual warfare.  Little warfare = little blessing.  Fierce warfare =  manifold blessings!

I know that to be true from the years of working in the ministry.  And since it’s true, Jim and I and everyone who has had a hand (and will have a hand) in working towards building Lori’s House, has huge blessings ahead!

Let’s not be quiet this time.  We have only a short time to work before we see the Lord coming again.  Some people say that if the Lord is coming soon, why do anything like build Lori’s House to save babies?  Why not just wait for the Lord to straighten everything out?  As Jim said recently, “all we can do is our part – all we can do is save a few – but if every church saved a few – millions could be saved.”

The Bible bears out that killing babies is one major reason societies were judged by God and eventually destroyed.  Add to that, abortion is a multi-million dollar business and it’s all about the love of money.  Since this country led the world in legalizing abortion, the blood of the innocent is on our hands!  Unless we do all we can to reverse this travesty, God will judge us too!

In contrast, if the churches will start saving babies, I believe God will bring revival to this country.  “IF MY PEOPLE…” will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and HEAL THEIR LAND.

If we do something, God will do something.  It doesn’t take the whole nation to repent for God to do something.  IF MY PEOPLE…

This is not the time to shrink back from the warfare surrounding the killing of innocent babies.  It’s time to gird ourselves for battle and fight through all the opposition.  When we get to heaven and the fire of God burns up all the dross in our lives, this is one effort that will remain as something of value.




God Loves to Come Full-Circle – Mourning to Joy

When I was young and foolish, I destroyed the ability that God gave me to be a Mother.  I suffered tremendously because of my decisions back then, especially as I matured and realized what I had done.  I had wanted to be a Mother since I was a young girl.  I loved to play with dolls and play that I was a Mother, even from the very early years of my life.  To have that taken away from me was devastating, and I grieved over it for a long, long time and still do at times.

But God has a plan for all of His people that does not include grief and sorrow.  Instead of the ashes of my barren life, God gave me 5 beautiful children to love and raise.  He is a God that loves to restore and bring your life full-circle back to what He intended for you from the beginning.  He loves to give you beauty for ashes, and He will when you love Him and seek Him with all your heart.

I love the beauty for ashes verses in the Bible.  Isaiah 61 reads like my own personal memoirs from God:

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me”…oh yes, it is!  He has given me His Spirit!

“Because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor” …oh yes, He has!  I preach whenever I get a chance that God has a better life for you to live, God has a better plan and He will show you that you don’t have to be poor in spirit; you don’t have to grieve over past sin and past hurts your entire life.

“He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” …oh yes, He has!  I love to tell people that God is not mad at them!  He does not hold sin against you when you are brokenhearted over it yourself!  He wants to heal your heart, and heal your spirit.  He wants you to come full-circle and back around to what He intended for your life from the start.

“To proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” …you see, just as God has a plan for your life from the very beginning, in this fallen world we have an enemy in the devil, and He will do everything he can to steal, kill and destroy the plan of God for you.  Sometimes we succumb to the enemy and he gets us all bound up in sin and unable to get free.  But God knows how to get us free and He will do it!  Once you get free of the enemy’s grasp, you can’t stop telling of the Lord’s freedom!  I will never stop telling people that you too can be free!  You too can be out of the prison of sin and free from its effects!

“To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God” …God said that vengeance belonged to Him alone.  God loves to put the devil in his place.  I like to think of the big hand of God just smacking the devil away as we repent, love God, praise Him, and thank Him for His loving kindness!   When we do this, a miracle occurs;  God exacts his vengeance through us, the born again ones,  in the form of FAITH.  Faith in God destroys the enemy!  When you believe God, and you resist the devil – He has to flee!

“To comfort all who mourn,  to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” …there it is!  This is what God will do for all of His people who come to Him heavy laden with sin!  As soon as you repent and give your heart to God, He starts bringing your life full-circle back to where He intended you to be.  He takes the stick that the devil beat you with and hands it to you so that you can beat the devil back.  Your mess becomes your message, your test becomes your testimony!  You can’t stop telling about the goodness of God and His restoration of all parts of you;  that child that loved to play Mommy, that little boy that loved to preach, that teen-ager who wanted to change the world for Christ…. When the devil comes in like a flood, God raises a standard against him.  God’s standard is truth and justice.

“For I, the Lord, love justice” …

There are many out there who are broken-hearted over sin.  You have gone down a wrong path and you want desperately to turn around.  You can do it today.  You can be restored to everything God intended for your from the beginning.  You can come full-circle in your life.  God can bring you right back to where you need to be.  Call out to Him.  Come to Him and you will see that His arms are wide open and He is ready and waiting for you.  He loves you and He hasn’t changed His mind about you.  He will receive you and He will comfort you and restore you.  He will give you beauty for ashes, and joy instead of mourning!

It’s Time to Hate What God Hates

Since the prophets have prophesied that we would build Lori’s House, we are doing our best to be obedient to that direction from the Lord.  With the help of our faithful partners, we have purchased the land, drawn up the plans, and we are in the process of paving the road to the valley where this part of The Refuge will be built.

Lori’s House Conceptual Drawing

We are very serious about this place being used as a Last Days refuge.  That’s what we envisioned in the beginning and that’s our goal.  An End Times refuge takes on many characteristics, but none more important than saving innocent life.

Cindy Jacobs said that Lori’s House will be a prototype that others will copy.  Can you imagine where we could be in this country in 5 years if every church would develop their own facility for saving babies?  If they can’t do it alone, they could band together to get it done, or come and help us!  Now that’s a vision God can bless.

As Jim preaches and as we read in our Bibles and see on the news every day, we are in the Days of Revelation.  Nobody knows how far into it we are and nobody knows when Jesus will come again.  We have the signs to watch for, but we do not know the day or the hour.

I only know one thing, I know it’s time to do whatever we’re going to do for the cause of Christ.  It’s time to act in ways that God instructs and that He can bless.  And I know it’s time to hate what God hates.  Proverbs 6:16-19 lays it out for us:  “These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him:  a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.”

I’m not talking about going to the abortion clinics and picketing and yelling and screaming to show how much we hate abortion.  It’s time for the church to stand up and say “we are not going to take this anymore.”  Preachers don’t have to scream and yell about abortion being murder.  We KNOW it’s murder.

But what we can do is put our money where our mouth is.  You can’t just scream in the streets about it – you have to do something!

President Reagan once said he noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.  Now that’s a wise observation, I would say.

You can’t say “I don’t know” because you do know.  You know and God knows you know.   Proverbs 24:11,12 NCV says, “Save those who are being led to their death; rescue those who are about to be killed. If you say, “We don’t know anything about this,” God, who knows what’s in your mind, will notice.  He is watching you, and he will know. He will reward each person for what he has done.”

We are putting our money where our mouth is.  We’re taking this step and bucking the crowd and we’re not going to listen to the naysayers!  We need your help.  When you help us build Lori’s House, you will share in the reward from God who is watching us all.

We love you!


The Impact of Tim Tebow’s Life

Most of you know who Tim Tebow is – the quarterback for the Denver Broncos who formerly played for the Florida Gators and was the first college sophomore ever to win the Heisman Trophy.  Tim is a great football player, but he is an even greater Christian.  When playing for the Florida Gators, he would etch scripture into the eye paint commonly worn by football players.

In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, he wore John 3:16 on his eye paint, and as a result, 92 million people searched “John 3:16” on Google during or shortly after the game.  Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of a single way to reach that many people with the Gospel at one time.  Tim is an evangelist, and a football player after that!

But the main story of Tim Tebow’s life does not begin or end with football.  Today, Tim is involved with ministry, family and football, in that order.

You see, Tim is really a walking miracle.  Tim’s mother, Pam, was encouraged to abort Tim before he was born.

Here is Pam’s story as told in a circulated email:

Pam knows about the pain of considering abortion. More than 21 years ago, she and her husband, Bob, were serving as missionaries to the Philippines and praying for a fifth child. Pam contracted amoebic dysentery, an infection of the intestine caused by a parasite found in a contaminated food or drink. She entered into a coma and was treated with strong antibiotics before they discovered she was pregnant. Doctors urged her to abort the baby for her own safety and told her that the medicines had caused irreversible damage to her baby.


She refused the abortion and cited her Christian faith as the reason for her hope that her son would be born without the devastating disabilities physicians predicted. The doctors “didn’t think of it as a life, they thought of it as a mass of fetal tissue,” Pam said. While pregnant, Pam nearly lost their baby four times but refused to consider abortion. She recalled making a pledge to God with her husband, “If you will give us a son, we’ll name him ‘Timothy,’ and we’ll make him a preacher.” Pam ultimately spent the last two months of her pregnancy in bed and, eventually, gave birth to a healthy baby boy August 14, 1987.

Pam’s youngest son is indeed a preacher. He preaches in prisons, makes hospital visits, and serves with his father’s ministry in the Philippines. He also plays football. Pam’s son is Tim Tebow. The University of Florida ‘s star quarterback, became the first sophomore in history to win college football’s highest award, the
Heisman Trophy.

When you really stop to think about what Tim Tebow’s life has accomplished in a very short time, it’s unthinkable that he would have been aborted if his parents had not relied on their faith.  In one day, 92 million people heard the Gospel of Christ through Tim’s evangelism.  God only knows how many lives will be touched through his continued ministry.

Tim Tebow’s life stands in stark contrast to the evils of abortion.  How many Tim’s have we aborted in this country?  How many young lives have been sacrificed from fear or lack of faith?  To try and comprehend the impact of the loss of 55 million Tims is beyond my ability to bear.

But I know one thing.  Abortion is not the answer – faith in God is the answer.

In the days we are living in, it is becoming increasingly important to have the right response to the challenges that are sure to present themselves.  Fear and the other emotions can cause us to sin against God instead of responding as He would direct us.  It’s more important than ever before to know the Word of God and be able to discern His will.

While we do all we can to help save babies at Lori’s House, keep us in your prayers and remember that through one life like Tim Tebow, God can accomplish mighty things.  Each baby we save has the potential to reach millions for Christ!