Woe is Me (Pt. 3)

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil!

Any born-again Christian who listens to the rhetoric from most of the politicians and newscasters in this country must be shaking their heads along with us.  Sometimes I don’t even believe how crazy things are getting.  Things that are being said and done are just completely opposite of the truth – and preachers are so busy teaching people how to get more money they don’t have time to warn the flock!

There is an antichrist spirit that is arising very quickly in the world, and unless we have our spiritual senses exercised to discern the truth, we may miss the straight and narrow way that Jesus talked about in Luke 13.  This is not a time to shrink back or to conform to the world.  This is a time to hone our spiritual senses and be ready for even more craziness from the world’s system which is antichrist.

Anybody who dares to raise their voice in reason or sanity (not to mention expressing their Christianity) is quickly shouted down by the crazies who have learned to twist things so out of shape you hardly recognize the original statement.  Don’t be intimidated by these voices – they are the voices of an enemy who has already lost the battle when Jesus died on the Cross!

We have people now who parade their sins in front of the world, and applaud their own decadence.  We have people who want to defend the ‘right’ to murder babies in the womb.  We have people who have made laws that make the ten commandments illegal.  And we have those who won’t allow the Cross, the symbol of Christianity, to even be displayed on the 911 monument!  You can’t say the name of Jesus in a high-school graduation speech!

We have kicked God out of schools and then wonder why our kids are self-willed, insolent, and morally depraved.  We have allowed new-agers and the humanists to manipulate and distort basic life principals.  We have tolerated the rhetoric of people who believe that Christians are mean for even stating their faith.

Sometimes I wonder “where is the America I knew when I was a boy?”  America is divided – not united.  It cannot stand.  There is no voice of decency  or even reason anymore.  The 10 Commandments now illegal in the U.S.?!  Whoever heard of such a thing?!  Sometimes I grieve, and then sometimes I’m angry about the condition we find ourselves in.

One thing I know for sure:  God will not be mocked!

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJV


One thought on “Woe is Me (Pt. 3)

  1. Not only does the Bible say ONLY the FATHER IN HEAVEN will know the EXACT time He will send Jesus back to retrieve His fowlrleos ALSO, did you all realize that this Harold Camping guy has had false predictions before? I guess the last one was in 1994? He also says that the Holy Spirit LEFT (was removed from)us in 1988! We all know this is FALSE! Please guys, don’t be so easily deceived. It only HURTS your faith when you believe lies they don’t happen! I want to see Harolds face on Sunday.

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