The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 9)

A Reuters news article portends a dire future for churches in debt, noting that a record number of churches are defaulting on their mortgages, and banks are foreclosing on churches in record numbers. In 2010, 270 churches defaulted; in 2011, 138 churches defaulted. The article notes, “That compares to just 24 sales in 2008 and only a handful in the decade before.”11

Listening to some television evangelists, you would think they have won the entire world to Christ. The Bible, however, says, “The way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”12 This is sobering, and I think we all need to examine our hearts. If we are truly in the last days, “the beginning of sorrows,”13 things are not going to get better. For the Antichrist to arrive, mankind must be in a hopeless situation.

Certainly, just as in Hezekiah’s time, when God granted the righteous king’s prayer for fifteen additional years of life, our God may give us more time. If God’s people repent and turn to Him, He can alter the timetable for future events. Yes, judgment will come, but it need not come in our generation or during the lives of our children. The key question, of course, is, will God’s people humble themselves and repent and turn from their wicked ways and seek His face? If we will do so, God has promised He will hear our prayer, forgive our sins, and heal our land.


The theme of everything John saw and heard in the visions resonated in his heart and mind: Jesus Christ is victor, and we, as His people, are overcomers!

The word overcomers is used throughout the book of Revelation, from beginning to end. Clearly, God wants us to know that regardless of what trials, tribulations, or pressures we are enduring now, through our faith in Jesus Christ, we will overcome. Whatever circumstances we face in the future, He will help us to overcome through His power.

One of the first things John reminded us about is that Jesus is coming back with the clouds: “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen” (Revelation 1:7).

To every believer this is a powerful and comforting verse. Jesus is coming again, and even those people responsible for His crucifixion will see Him again. You have God’s word on it! The Bible is replete with references to the second coming of Christ. The big question for believers is not if but when. Regardless of when, we have a general idea of what is going to happen. More important, we know who is going to happen—Jesus!

One thought on “The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 9)

  1. I recently re-read David Wilkerson’s Book, The Vision, updated version. He mentioned church bankruptsies and so much of what we are seeing right now. I also revisited the movie and book of Corrie Tenboom and wonder if I am not looking at out future. Regardless of when Jesus is coming back, there are Christians suffering all over the world right now. I don’t think we are immune. I believe we are in the beginning of sorrows at least. I wish we could see repentence and a reprieve from the awful judgements David Wilkerson saw in that vision. Most churches seem to be blind to the times we are living now. Keep warning, Jim and Lori. Love you all.
    CM North Carolina

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