The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 7)

These nightmarish events gave me great insight into how the world systems, the Great Harlot, will be destroyed in an hour.

Since that time, our nation has experienced numerous attempted terrorist attacks, many of which have been foiled, but some, such as the attacks on military bases, have succeeded. Others came close to succeeding, such as the attempt in December 1999, when terrorists in Seattle were discovered trying to smuggle powerful explosives into the country.

Of course, domestic terrorism catapulted to an entirely new level on April 20, 1999, when we witnessed the deadliest school massacre in our nation’s history at Columbine High School in Colorado. Again, I could not have imagined what sort of terrorism was soon to follow. But on July 20, 2012, a young man went on a shooting rampage at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, shooting seventy-one people and killing twelve in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. The spirit of the Antichrist is running rampant.

This is only the beginning of the entire list. God showed me that cruise ships would be targeted soon. The water supplies for major cities will be contaminated and poisoned. I believe—in fact, I saw it in a vision—there is already at least one major nuclear weapon being assembled inside the United States. It was brought in piece by piece. Terrorists will use germ warfare against civilians and soldiers alike. Attacks will continue on airplanes and against air¬planes as well.

I sensed God telling me that the United States has made too many enemies. It will become impossible to fight them all or even prevent them from harming us.

There will be great computer confusion, God spoke to me in 1999, not related to Y2K. At that time, many people were warning of potential computer breakdowns that would affect everything from the country’s power grid to its water supplies. Even gasoline pumps would be unable to function due to the computer switchover to the year 2000. But God revealed to me a computer confusion that was not associated with Y2K.

I did not know what that meant. I had no idea what computer hacking was or the damage that viruses could do to computers. Yet I received messages that cyberwars would be much more subtle and would employ terror. Ironically, computer hackers attacked the FBI that same year.

I also saw that the Internet could be stopped suddenly—within a half hour. That is already happening. During the tumult in 2011 in Cairo’s Tahrir Square that led to the downfall of Hosni Mubarak as Egypt’s president, one of the tools the government employed against the protesters was a complete shutdown of the Internet. That was done because the protesters had organized demonstrations using social media networking sites. With a virtual flip of a switch, Egypt was suddenly plunged into Internet and cell phone darkness, with millions of people unable to communicate electronically. Think how often you send a text mes¬sage, make a call on your cell phone, send an email, or search the Internet for information. Now imagine a world where such access is denied to anyone who refuses to acquiesce to the government. That is going to happen.

4 thoughts on “The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 7)

  1. I love you Jim & thank you for your boldness to speak the truth in love. I agree with what you hear from God & thank you for sharing it with the world. I pray the church will wake up today and come out Babylon, stop trusting in riches & realize how short time is until the collapse & the one world order is enforced. We must not fear man, but Yeshua, the Judge of all the earth & our beloved soon coming King!

  2. Pastor Jim,

    From God’s Heavenly Judgment Seat, time is indeed “running out” for America; as she gradually will LOSE – via TERRORISM and FOREIGN INVASIONS – all of her peace, all of her prosperity, all of her safety, and all of her security. The God of Heaven, being greatly “displeased” [to say, the least] with the SINS of America, will begin REMOVING His providential favor upon her, by taking away more and more of the divine protection that He has already placed upon her, since the very beginning of the nation. America, indeed, in the coming years, will eventually be “JUDGED” by the Lord with unbelievable and unexpected “economic collapse” and mass Third-world type of poverty; and judged with incredibly violent terrorism, gang violence, civil unrest, deadly natural disasters, plagues, pestilences, famine, “martial law”, despotism, and covert infiltration by America’s enemies. Enemy attacks, internal strife, climatic disasters, geological upheavals, and many other terrible calamities shall INCREASE upon American soil – in terms of locality, frequency, and great intensity. And as far as the Lord thy God Himself is concerned, this awfully wicked nation will have DESERVED every “bit” of His devastating judgments, since the government of the United States and its people still REFUSE to REPENT of their ongoing SIN, and subsequently turn their lives over to Jesus Christ; BUT INSTEAD, with nearly everyone keeping on REBELLING against the Most High God. Therefore, with modern history testifying to America’s abominable greed and unspeakable crimes against humanity – and her stubborn refusal to correct her sinful ways – time has now come for her to be JUDGED by the God of Heaven and Earth.

    But, Pastor Jim, as you are already well aware; tht all of these current divine judgments are nothing new! As you are already know, the Lord has ALWAYS been “judging” individuals and the nations, ever since the days of the Garden of Eden. But the DIFFERENCE in God’s judgments for TODAY is that ALL of the nations of the entire world are NOW in the period of God’s final APOCALYPTIC judgments, which are summarized by Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew, chapter 24; whereby Christ himself describes these apocalyptic judgments as the “Beginning of Sorrows”; and which will take place during for the last days before Jesus returns to the Earth; and whereby the Lord’s judgments, around the world, will greatly increase in terms of frequency, locality, and intensity.

    So, Pastor Jim, the REAL [spiritual] reason for all of us being truly “in danger” of the United States of being TOTALLY destroyed is because it is actually part of God’s plan to “punish” America and the rest of the world for ongoing unrepented REBELLION against the Most High. The Book of Matthew, chapter 24, represents the Lord’s very LAST period of global divine judgments; with the ultimate PURPOSE of God having to bring as many human beings to their “knees”, and thereby – hopefully, SAVE as many people as would be willing to REPENT under such unprecedentedly horrible conditions, living under the reign of such an extremely wicked man, as the Anti-Christ himself.

    Pastor Jim, if America does indeed repent NOW – or repent in the not-too-distant future, then MAYBE the Lord, in his good “graces”, will indeed hold off – for the time being – any MORE deadly judgments that He has ALREADY decided to execute upon our wicked nation, because of our determined REFUSAL to forsake SIN – and live for Jesus Christ.

    Yes, the upcoming worldwide ECONOMIC COLLAPSE is the Lord’s way of JUDGING the ultimate “GOD” of America – which is MONEY itself; just as He had, thousands of years ago, “judged” the very false gods of Pharaoh and Egypt!! Therefore, knowing just how much the hedonistic/materialistic American People eternally and unrighteously CRAVE after money, material things, status, and power; that perhaps the upcoming “Economic Collapse” will indeed be the catalyst for SPIRITUAL REVIVAL in America. We will indeed have to “wait and see” as to what the Lord plans to “do” to America and to His Church, in the not-too-distant future. At this point, all we can do is to pray and “seek” the Most High, and find out what “it” is that we must “do”, through Jesus Christ, in order for the Lord to bestow the necessary degree of “MERCY” that this country needs, for the purpose of holding off, for the time being, religious persecution, and being SPARED death and destruction by the angry and vengeful “hands” of God Almighty; as He fiercely “judges” Mankind with all kinds of economic, political, and deadly natural disasters across the globe.

    Therefore, Pastor Jim, let us PRAY for God’s MERCY and GRACE to be continuously BESTOWED upon our undeserving wicked nation; so as for the Lord to give the American People enough “TIME” for them to finally COME to their “senses”, and to FORSAKE their unspeakable debaucheries, such as SODOMY itself; and to also FORSAKE their unbridled COVETOUSNESS; and rather, choose to serve Jesus Christ himself – and NO LONGER mammon!!

    Surely, Pastor Jim, with the power of Jesus Christ resting upon us, we are ALREADY guaranteed the VICTORY within him!! We are all the more CONQUERORS in Him – and Him alone!! We can overcome our own vile corrupt flesh! We can overcome the wicked World itself! And most certainly, we can overcome Satan the Devil himself! AMEN!!!

    Yours in Christ forever,
    Charles Reece

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