The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 1)

In 1999 I received an invitation to speak at a prophetic conference to be held on New Year’s Eve. This was not just another end-of-the-year celebration, with people praying and asking God’s blessing on the coming year or partying as a giant ball slowly descended in Times Square. No, this was Y2K, an anagram for the year 2000, the eve of the new millennium.

I was humbled and honored to be asked to speak publicly. I hadn’t been out of prison that long, and I was still uncomfortable about standing behind a pulpit. But the people sponsoring the conference were friends, so I accepted their invitation.

I had spoken at a similar conference about eight months prior to my New Year’s Eve invitation. The night before that conference, God spoke to my heart and mind. I had a vision and saw some extraordinary things, events that apparently were soon to happen around us.

These were not happy visions. They were not scenes of life on Easy Street, especially for Christians. Quite the contrary. The visions horrified me and shook me to my core.

On New Year’s Eve 1999, on the precipice of the new millennium, I publicly presented a message based on the vision I had experienced. At the time, I had little idea if or how this vision might be fulfilled, but looking back now, it staggers me to realize that God was showing me some things that were imminent. Similar to how the apostle John must have felt, I did not understand everything I experienced, but I understood enough to know that God was serious about this message.

Before I described the events I had seen in the vision, I told the audience, “The most important thing is to keep your family together in unity. The other things we spend our time, money, and energy doing may not matter much in the days ahead. Keep your family together and be part of the family of God. As the scripture says in Hebrews 10:25, we should not forsake assembling together, especially as the Day of the Lord approaches. Get ready. When you hear ‘peace and safety,’ sudden destruction is coming. Jesus said that, in the last days, perilous things will come. The key is ‘fear not.’ That’s God’s message throughout the Bible.”

7 thoughts on “The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 1)

  1. Dear Jim…Thank you so much for going against what religion calls normal and being who you are and doing what God has called you to do! My daughter and I owe you so much! You first turned us onto ASAP. My daughter now takes the prescription strength 30ppm.I give it orally and into her port that is how she is feed. I could write a book on the things it has done for us.Most of all right now…it is keeping Staph out of her blood. The doctors at the trauma one hospital told me to keep her on it because it is her only hope. She can’t have another port. Her little body is tapped out. She has had this port since 2011. The doctors are truly amazed.We have spent over 300 days in the hospital in a little over 3 years. You also Jim started me prepping. My family thinks I’m nuts! They won’t think so some day…right? LOL!! I have prepared for our 11 people and many others. I have food everywhere. Not out for people to see though. I also have the generator. Which I have used when our lights went out because my daughter is hooked up to so many machines.I have prepared about everything imaginable! LOL!! So I Thank God for you Jim and for your sweet family. I have been a Christian for 35 years. I never followed you back in PTL days. Although I did see your show from time to time and loved hearing the girls sing. I always knew about you and what happened. I was so sad for you. You were a gentle soul that was bruised. I watch you everyday now for I think 3 years. I never miss a show. I have a DVR! LOL!!! Thank you for all you do with the prophets and Master Media. I finally found Generation Now on KTV. I have loved every show. Thank you dear man of God! God Richly Bless all your tomorrows! Hugs to you and your dear family! Vickie Pierson and daughter Kathleen from Prescott, AZ.

  2. Dear Pastor Jim,

    I first began listening to you on the Internet, from June of 2011 – until now………and ongoing!! And just as the Lord has already given you messages of WARNING against the United States for ongoing sin; so likewise, beginning in 2006; that the Lord has also given ME messages of WARNING of inevitable DESTRUCTION by the United States; primarily BECAUSE of the accelerating moral degeneracy in this country; and especially pointing out this country’s most prevalent and enduring sins; that being primarily, of CULTURAL CHAUVINISM and MATERIALISM – or very simply, PRIDE in “National Supremacy” AND the very LOVE for “money and material things”.

    Although you, I, and everyone else as – Christians, already know that the Lord is indeed, at this very moment, “judging” America’s No. 1 “god”, that being “MONEY” itself – by way of bringing ECONOMIC COLLAPSE upon the United States and the rest of the world; THAT however though, I thank God for you; that you REALIZE that we Christians TOO – will be adversely “affected” – just LIKE the “non-Christians” – as this same financial disaster is presently DESTROYING our greedy money-loving nation. I thank God for your bold uncompromising STAND in preaching what the Lord is truly doing today in America and the Church – and that is………JUDGING us all!!

    Pastor Jim, thank you for admonishing “The Saints” to encourage one another and to build one another up. Indeed, it is NOT easy preaching “prophetically” to a grossly “backslidden” Church and a wicked “God-forsaken” nation – be we called into the actual “office” of the Prophet; or called into the other ecclesiastical positions of leadership; or even just for laypersons who simply bear the spiritual gift of “prophecy” by itself. There are too many false prophets running around; “tickling itching ears” of carnal-minded Christians; giving the same old generic messages, year after year; which comprise only of self-flattering exhortations – but very little [if any] PROPHETIC CONVICTION!!!

    But above all things, Pastor Jim; firstly let us pray that the Lord would “OPEN” all of our eyes; to AWAKEN us to our own personal “secret sins”, or our own “hidden sins”, or our “unknown sins”; so that we may ALL get the “blessed” divine opportunity to REPENT before the Lord, and get our “spiritual houses” in order, for the cause of Christ; BEFORE even having to pray for God to “bless” us with “financial mercy” in these very hard economic times; SINCE the very REASON as to “why” the United States is undergoing an unprecedentedly severe “economic depression” is BECAUSE, in the first place, of the American People being JUDGED by God, for our persistent and increasing rebellion against Him; that being, primarily, our historical SIN in the very LOVE of MONEY itself; along with our historical sin for our NARCISSITIC nationalist pride in being, supposedly, “the world’s most powerful country”. In other words, Pastor Jim, let us FIRST pray for “spiritual revival” within our own private lives and within in the Body of Christ, as a whole – and throughout the nation; BEFORE pleading for the very MERCY of GOD to get us through the tough economic times, due to our REBELLION against Him, in the first place; for our hedonism/materialism and cultural haughtiness.

    For today’s generation of Americans themselves actually – and erroneously – CONTINUE to believe that THEY, for the past 235years of their country’s existence, “MADE” America, by their “own” ingenuity, what it is TODAY– i.e., the “greatest nation in the history of the world”; and that NO foreign enemy, as faced in a military conflict, will [supposedly] EVER be able to “take on” and permanently “defeat” their highly sophisticated and technologically-advanced Western nation. Americans take so much pride and security in being the so-called “world’s most powerful nation” – due to their technological supremacy and economic prosperity – THAT, in their own deceived minds – they falsely BELIEVE that they could “never” ever be “WIPED OUT” militarily by a belligerent enemy nation confronting them in a time of war – and especially by an up-coming Asian nation such as China itself. Instead, TODAY, most Americans totally IGNORE God – as the ancient Babylonian and Roman Empires LIKEWISE ignored God; as Americans continue to go on their “merry way” to follow the ungodly dictates of their depraved corruptible hedonistic appetites; and thereby living out their debaucherous lives in the sinful, ungodly pleasures that SATAN himself cunningly has to “offer”, for this ungodly hedonistic anti-Christian world.

    But just like the Lord had, ages ago, brought down wicked BABYLON, due to her incessant abominations; SO LIKEWISE – and for the SAME reason; THAT the Lord will no doubt “bring down” the abominable money-loving “United States of America”; AND utterly and embarrassingly REDUCE her to an astonishing permanent heap of ruins before a stunned wicked World!!!

    Yes, the upcoming worldwide ECONOMIC COLLAPSE is the Lord’s way of JUDGING the ultimate “GOD” of America – which is MONEY itself; just as He had, thousands of years ago, “judged” the very false gods of Pharaoh and Egypt!! Therefore, knowing just how much the hedonistic/materialistic American People eternally and unrighteously CRAVE after money, material things, status, and power; that perhaps the upcoming “Economic Collapse” will indeed be the catalyst for SPIRITUAL REVIVAL in America. We will indeed have to “wait and see” as to what the Lord plans to “do” to America and to His Church, in the not-too-distant future. At this point, all we can do is to pray and “seek” the Most High, and find out what “it” is that we must “do”, through Jesus Christ, in order for the Lord to bestow the necessary degree of “MERCY” that this country needs, for the purpose of holding off, for the time being, religious persecution, and being SPARED death and destruction by the angry and vengeful “hands” of God Almighty; as He fiercely “judges” Mankind with all kinds of economic, political, and deadly natural disasters across the globe.

    Therefore, Pastor Jim, let us PRAY for God’s MERCY and GRACE to be continuously BESTOWED upon our undeserving wicked nation; so as for the Lord to give the American People enough “TIME” for them to finally COME to their “senses”, and to FORSAKE their unspeakable debaucheries, such as SODOMY itself; and to also FORSAKE their unbridled COVETOUSNESS; and rather, choose to serve Jesus Christ himself – and NO LONGER mammon!!

    Surely, Pastor Jim, with the power of Jesus Christ resting upon us, we are ALREADY guaranteed the VICTORY within him!! We are all the more CONQUERORS in Him – and Him alone!! We can overcome our own vile corrupt flesh! We can overcome the wicked World itself! And most certainly, we can overcome Satan the Devil himself! AMEN!!!

    Pastor Jim, I will indeed continue to pray to the Lord; that he would strengthen you and your family; as you go about preaching prophetically to this wicked and perverse generation in today’s Christ-rejecting America. So, Pastor Jim, I thank God for you – and will continue to pray for you; as you are indeed being “used” by Him; for you to faithfully PREACH the truth, regarding the Lord’s judgments upon the Church and the nation; and to also warn “faithful” God-fearing believers in the Body of Christ to get ready NOW – for us to EXPERIENCE some degree of hardship or SUFFERING, as God’s judgments are, no doubt, going to get much more severe in this wicked country of ours……..and so, yes, to pray for God’s MERCY and GRACE even while he JUDGES the Church and the nation; and thus, for us to PREPARE ourselves spiritually [and if possible, “practically”]; to FACE the “collateral damage” of God’s judgments, which are primarily directed towards “THE WICKED” !!!

    Regretfully yours, about America and the Backslidden Church – but still forever Joyful in Jesus!!
    Charles Reece

    [P.S. – Please likewise keep me in your prayers for my future “prophetic minsitry” in Washington, DC]

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