I am so excited about our upcoming Ready Now Expo on March 10th – 14th! We have some of the most knowledgeable speakers and presenters on the planet joining us with information about ultimate survival strategies and products that we have found through extensive research.
There’s a song with a line that says, “I don’t care how you get here, just get here if you can!” That’s the way I feel about this Expo! Do everything you can to get here because this is one you don’t want to miss.
It’s been weighing heavy on my heart recently about why people should be prepared for anything! It’s more than just about not going hungry, which pulls on the heartstrings. None of us want our families to go hungry! Most of us would do just about anything to keep our loved ones alive – to keep them from starving to death in a famine. Wouldn’t we?
Are we thinking that in this country, we are going to be exempt from Matthew 24 – or that the Four Horses won’t gallop in our own backyard? How is it that we’ve been lulled to sleep and reassured by our Laodicean leaders?
The Times that are coming are not just about lack of food. The Times that are coming are going to be like none other ever before, when everything you need to survive is not available unless you are in the ‘system’, i.e. you have received the antichrist’s mark OR you have been wise enough to prepare ahead of time.
Food, medications and medical care, housing, compensations, etc. – all of what we know as our current way of living could be used to force us to become involved in an antichrist system unless we are prepared – that is, as prepared as we can possibly be.
We do what we do because we believe with all our hearts that there are Times of Trouble coming – we will be here on this earth for at least part of that trouble – and if we are not prepared, some will succumb to those troubles and do whatever they have to do to survive including taking the antichrist’s mark.
Let me be clear that this ‘mark’ is not well defined yet, and we are not attempting to define it. We are simply saying that you and your loved ones should not be forced into anything that doesn’t seem right to you – and the way to keep from it, is to be prepared.
Jim and I teach preparation and living healthy because that means you may be able help yourself and others to withstand a famine or some natural disaster (or combination of natural disasters) without becoming dependent on others, i.e. having to sign up with an antichrist system.
That’s wisdom – and that’s why we are preparing now for then.
There are a lot of people who think they are exempt, Lori, but I won’t get started on that. I’ll end up writing something longer than your blog post if I do.
I appreciate so much what you are trying to convey to people. Be prepared… but unfortunately people have been lulled into a false sense of security and feel that these things only happen in other places. It is going to happen in America. When the entitlement society can no longer receive their checks it will all break loose because they are coming for what we have. There will be no restraint because lawlessness will abound. Our government is so corrupt I shutter to think of what is really on the horizon. Thank You and Jim for brining this information to us in a practical, Christian way so that we can do all that is possible to be prepared but ultimately we know the Lord Jesus is taking those whose names are found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life to a place that we cannot begin to imagine but until then please keep sounding the alarm!
Hello I cant help but think about this nation and How far we have fallen from GOD.It breaks my heart to just know how everything is so corrupt anymore from our President to our Politicians to our Supreme Court Judges.I know there is a looming FinancialCrisis coming bigger than the one in 2008.I feel it in my spirit! There is an at times an overwhelming urgency to Get prepared for the unknown.There is also a grevious sadness that comes on often.This is going to catch most people including Alot of christians off guard. i find alot of christians are just plain NOT LISTENING.I WILL PRAY FOR ALL PEOPLE TO COME TO THE SAVING GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.The ONLY ONE THAT CAN S_A_V_E U_S!!!FROM THE WRATH TAT IS TO COME IN JESUS’ LOVE JANIS
You are so right, let the weather man say bad weather is coming people empty out the stores. JESUS WARNS us of the things that are coming and nobody wants to prepare, they don’t even want to hear about it. I PRAY for this world.
I love your show & try to never miss it. I did so recently as I was in the hospital for 3 weeks & re-hab for a week. I have lost both my adrenal glands, my right kidney & 1/3 of my left, so 2/3rds kidney is supporting my body. I would love for you to pray for me, so I don’t lose the rest of my kidney & have to go on dialysis.
Dear Liz,
We are praying for you!
Thanks, Lori, your advice is good. I hope people will begin to heed it! I think Jesus is coming soon, but before He comes, we may have to endure trials and hardships none of us wants to face. A strong faith is what we need — coupled with preparation.