Our Prayers Live On

Prayer is an often misunderstood topic for a lot of people.  Some people think that for prayer to be effective, it has to be done a certain way.  There is much written and taught on the subject of prayer.

I’ve always taken the simple approach to prayer.  Heartfelt prayer can never be done wrong.  You won’t offend God by praying from your heart in the manner you choose.  Sometimes prayer can only be expressed in tears that flow from a broken place inside.

I know that there have been times when I have had no words for the things that  I took to God… but He knew.  There are times when I’ve seen women wail and cry out, indescribable grief and travail that only He could understand.

I also remember my Grandmother and Mother praying for me and not giving up – even when I ran from God for so many years.  Those prayers didn’t fall on the deaf ears of an uncaring God.  No, they were all saved as they rose up to God.

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 5, verse 8, John writes, “And as he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense — the prayers of God’s people! (NLT)

David, in Psalm 56, verse 8, writes this of the Lord: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” (NLT)

Tears in Scripture play a unique role in spiritual prayer.  This passage, along with numerous others in Scripture regarding a spirit of brokenness, pictures a variety of reasons and functions related to what might be termed “the ministry of tears,” a ministry Charles H. Spurgeon defined as “liquid prayer.”

Don’t ever think that your prayers are just here and gone and that God forgets.  Your prayers do, in fact, live on in the spirit realm.  If you have petitioned God for something that is in keeping with His will, your prayers rise as incense to a loving God, and He saves them until such time that He works all things together to accomplish His will and purposes for you and through you and your loved ones.

Even if your prayers are just tears – God hears and understands, and your prayers live on in Heaven.

7 thoughts on “Our Prayers Live On

  1. I read once that are tears are caught in a bottle and poured on the altar of God. To rise up before him as prayer. Then there are those so wounded they cannot even shed a tear, but the tears bottled up. I believe there are unknown men and women whose prayers have literally changed the world. Prayers for leaders of nations, those who pray for Israel daily. Those who uphold the ministry in prayer. Prayer for families and for the unsaved. Prayer for the days ahead. These people may not have the finances to give and support which will also be rewarded. But those who took their petitions to God on behalf of others. What a reward they must have.

  2. Lori..you explained prayer in such an easy to understand format. Prayer is talking to God…He knows our heart better than we do, He created us…and He will answer our prayer, but sometimes we want to rush Him when He has His own timetable. This is when we need to remember to trust Him who knows all things and sees things better than we do…Love you Lori….

  3. Lori
    Beautiful post on prayer. There are times when my heart is heavy and I really don’t know how to express my need to God. But, I take comfort in knowing that He knows my heart and that the Holy Spirit will pray to Him on my behalf.

    My prayers are with all the folks in Branson who suffered damage in last week’s storm.
    Blessings and Peace

    • Wow! What a powerful toiesmtny. Your story sounds so much like mine, I move to Fort Worth, Texas from Stone Mountain, Georgia 14 years ago. The decision to move was motivated by the thought to raise my children in a family environment. After my move, it was tough and setback after setback happen. I remained confident and my relationship with Christ grew. I was a single parent with no relatives here in this area. I had to leave my kinsman, but God was my father and still is. He is all I needed. I am here today 14 years later with a powerful toiesmtny about the goodness of God. Remain confident God is HERE and he is with you and your family. Keep believing and keep moving in the right direction you shall continue to see the goodness of God.

  4. Well put Lori, to sum it up, God already knows whats in your heart before your knees hit the floor. a freind of mine, her daughter was murdered a couple of years ago and she seemed to keep everything bottled up and wouldn’t show any emotion and she said she found it difficult to pray, she had no words, and thats when i told her just to sit and listen to God because he already knew what was in her heart. thank you for sharing this, it made my day.

    • Bobbie your post reminded me of a time when I was a child. I had read in scripture to go into your closet to pray. Being a child I took it literally and went into the bedroom closet. I had been hurt by an adult. Beaten horribly. I had no words, the pain was so horrific. All I could do was weep and cry. But God knew the sound of the cries as prayer. When I left that closet I knew God had heard me. That the tears that streamed down my face and the cries rose up as a prayer to God. Your advice to your friend was good advice. I too have a friend whose son was brutally murdered. The pain our friends went thru are deeper than the sharpest knife. However my friend today is a shining example of how God can take the most horrific situation and become our refuge, our rock, our lighthouse on the stormy waters.

    • please, please pray for Rex Thomas to find a job, he has been uleopnmyeed for over a year now, we are about to run out of insurance and we need insurance for our son, please pray for the blessing of the Lord to be on Derek and Lauren’s relationship as well as cole and Madesta

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