Invitation – Let’s Get Organized!

Hi ladies and any gentlemen who want to participate!

We have just turned the corner into 2012 and this year promises to be a huge challenge in getting ourselves as ready as humanly possible for anything that may come.  We can’t know for sure what exactly we will be dealing with, but I’m determined to do my best for my family and for the Church family here at Morningside.  So, I’m looking for ways to improve my own organization, and perhaps we can help others to get organized in the process.  For some people, this is a huge feat!  For others, it’s just a matter of putting your mind to it.

Jim has been doing a lot of teaching about the world’s CONFUSION in 2012.  CONFUSION is, of course, the exact opposite of organization.  Since 12 is the Biblical number for organization, and we’re entering a year that is prophesied to be chaotic, I find that a little ironic, don‘t you? 

So, I’m looking for practical suggestions for preparedness in case of disasters or any other event that might require us to function outside of our usual circumstances and without our usual conveniences.  Most of you know that I’m petrified that we’ll be without toilet tissue so I stock up!

No suggestion is too silly or too small, or too complicated or too difficult.  What you have to share will be needed by someone!  

Who knows?  Your suggestion might end up in a preparedness manual. 

Let’s help each other get ready!

18 thoughts on “Invitation – Let’s Get Organized!

  1. Learned something new yesterday. Last year I purchased a small generator on sale. It had a remote control for starting, but I didn’t know how to start the thing. I retired as of January 1st so I figure it’s time to get my home straight.. finally after so many years of work. Anyway, the power went off for no reason yesterday.. I mean for hours.. All Day.. So, I got that generator positioned so I could pull it out – it has wheels, got the battery (motor cycle one) and started to install it.. didn’t know the red means hot on the terminal.. but a few sparks later.. all was installed.. Tried to turn on the generator.. had to sit there with the book and check all the gauges, etc. Found one that said it was on.. but after a couple turns back and forth.. the generator started liked a dream.. I was so proud of my accomplishment.. and my adult sons are still laughing.. I reminded them that they might not be present when I need them, and at this rate, I can at least run a cord to the freezer and fridge.. and if all fails.. to the Satelite box and the tv and a lamp.. Maybe I should consider just getting box that converts when the power goes off, but either way.. It’s a time to get to know how to use those supplies and tools we have been storing.. right gals???

  2. As far as drinking water all you need is a couple of drops of clorox bleach in a pail of water and it will be remove anything that would prevent you from drinking the water. Bleach in very inexpensive. Just putting away a couple of jugs of bleach is of great importance.

  3. Hi Lori,
    If there is a lack of water, also have canned food on hand. The water in the cans can help hydrate. This way you will have food and water in the can. Have this in addition to the Food For Health buckets and Seychelle Water Filtering systems. Herbs, homeopath medicines, and Western medicines have on hand. You can treat many people with a little, with homeopathy and herbs. Bibles in emergency kits. Waterproofing items. Laminate photos or other precious paper items. Protection for your items and land. When people get hungry or thirsty or see their children this way they will change from nice to unkind and may do whatever they have to to survive. You need to be able to protect your land and your food, water, etc. Train your staff how to physically protect, and train them with guns and other weapons. This isn’t something we all want to do, but we need to learn how to defend. Lastly, items for fishing and hunting are important to have too.
    God Bless you and your ministry!

    • good tip, Marilyn. You can use the water from canned food to cook your Food for Health packets in. Then add the veggies to bulk up the meal for a larger family. The Bible in the emergency kit is a wonderful tip. I will immediately put one in one of my bags. We can’t survive without food or water very long. But we so need, God’s Word to become alive in us. I cannot not live without his Word. We must hide it in our hearts also.

  4. I don’t think my christian brothers are quite prepared for what is to come. MY BROTHER YOU ARE CORRECT! They don’t want to believe it. I told a pastor in 1987 what is happening now & of course 9-11 & that we Believers would smuggle Jews out of America, & not to expect to be yanked out of here before going through some hard times! I said, Yes, I believe in the catching away; but just before the WRATH of Father is poured out as HE told me during my cancer. I was told poor poor you, you are so deceived and you need to listen to JVI tapes and I said, then YOU tell Jesus to apologize to Matthew,Mark,Luke,John,Paul,Timothy, ETC. because of the price they had to pay! The cross is not a FREE TICKET TO HEAVEN! Glad YOU know it too! May we all remember we are NOT Alone in THAT DAY. omen.

  5. I suspect that our water & power will go. Don’t plan to stock your freezers with so much food you have to cook it all the first 3 days!But for now Wal-Mart sells a frozen biscuit that is delicious! Find a co-op in your area and think about buying local HONEY and assorted grains and beans. These will last much longer if we are hit with that Atomic Bomb and NO POWER = NO ELECTRICITY will work. Not even with a generator. Sorry, but you MUST think and plan for the worst! Which reminds me: my neighborhood has an unwanted trailerpark in it and all are on Gov Checks. They sell drugs and are costantly breaking into my neighbors homes & property. That is NOW. What are they going to do when they don’t get their Gov Check? No drugs? No Money? NO FOOD? I think the tablecloth over the rain barrel is cool. WE MUST CAMOFLAUGE what we can so as to look like every other starving person in the neighborhood. WE MUST BE LED OF THE LORD WHO TO FEED AND HELP. Brother WILL turn against Brother, and the Gov will come and collect what rations we have if they know we have them. There will be Jews trying to escape from America one day. We must help them. PRAY & OBEY.

  6. Dear Lori,

    The things that trouble me are the things I seek solutions for. I am thinking in terms of not being able to access money or go to a grocery store. When we had a blizzard last year we were snowed in for over a week. Before the blizzard hit I tried to go to the grocery store to get the things I usually buy weekly, the things I don’t stock up on. Such as eggs, butter, cheese, milk and bread. I could not find a parking place first off, then no shopping carts were available…I went outside in the freezing cold to wait for someone to unload their groceries so that I could have a cart. Got the cart, went into the store and bread and nothing even close to being bread like English muffins, no can biscuits, not even a bagel in sight..everything was already gone…so I go to the dairy milk, no butter and not one single egg in the entire store. Went to the can goods…no premade ready to eat anything…empty shevles. There were canned veggies and beans, but no soup, ravioli, no tuna…etc.
    About that time a man came out of the meat department with a cart full of ground beef. I watched in shock as the people swarmed him. When the hordes retreated there was not a single package of ground beef left. I was speechless but learned a very important lesson.

    I learned that I could stock up on eggs and freeze them. Easily done too.
    You crack the eggs and whisk them together. If you are using them for baking desserts you add 1 tablespoon of sugar per cup of beaten eggs to keep the yokes from getting gummy…for non dessert foods You add 1/2 teaspoon salt per cup of beaten eggs instead of sugar and mix it in to preserve the yokes. You then pour them in an ice cube tray..when frozen put them in freezer bags. One cube equals 1 egg. They taste the same as fresh eggs.
    Also I always keep at least 3 loaves of bread in the freezer at all times. I understand can biscuits freeze well too..folks just put the whole can in the freezer. One must allow them to completely defrost before baking. Also the flaky kind do not freeze well. Again I keep several gallons of milk in the freezer as well. It turns yellowish when frozen but tastes great when taken out and defrosted. I rotate my milk not leaving in it for more than 5 months at a time before using. Hard cheese can be frozen as well but are crumbly when defrosted but still tastes great.
    Do not freeze cottage cheese, yogurt sour cream and soft cheese..they just don’t come out well.
    I have a years worth of your food for life in my closet. I add to my water supply weekly. I stock up on things that can be easily eaten in power outages or if we have to evacuate in a hurry. A years supply of dog food, vitiams, supplements, deodorant, toothpaste etc.

    Instead of throwing leftovers away put them in baggies and write the date on the bag. If you have to leave in a hurry or need a quick lunch, just grab that baggy and a bottle of water and go! What isn’t appealing today (leftovers) will be so Delicious in an emergency. I always make to much chili and freeze half of it. A few weeks later I pull it out and have an easy meal.
    I am doing what I can but like most other readers I am nowhere near ready. I am doing what I can, when I can. Anything done to prepare will be a big help when the times comes and it is needed.

    God bless you and Jim,


    • Kimberly, these are excellent ideas. The one about the eggs I found very interesting. When I make homemade soups and chili, I also freeze them. I have a chinese produce mart that sells the containers you get wonton soup in. Empty of course. They are wonderful. The seal is tight, you can freeze, microwave or put dehydrated food in them. Thanks for all these wonderful tips.You can purchase sour cream powder and dehydrated cheeses from Emergency Essentials. I believe they have dehydrated cottage cheese too. Along with dehydrated eggs.

  7. Get Organized in 2012
    and start blessing our children
    Bless Do Not Curse
    Romans 12:14

    Blessing is a God’s Work
    A humble man or woman blesses their Children
    They Live in the Light God’s love
    They Lift Children Up to God
    The Creator of the Universe
    They Live in the Fear of the Lord
    Obedience to God’s commands
    They Speak Eternal Truth

    Definition of Bless
    To hallow or consecrate by prayer, religious rite or word
    To invoke divine care for
    To give a blessing: the intent and will of GOD
    To Praise, Glorify
    To speak well of: Approve
    To confer prosperity, peace, health, safety, security or happiness upon
    To Protect, Preserve
    To Endow, God’s Favor

    Cursing causes confusion
    Cursing is Satan’s Work
    A proud man or woman curses and rebukes
    they live in darkness Satan’s anger and hate
    they tear children down under their idols
    they live in the fear of men and women
    they speak lies, facts and history

    Definition of Curse
    To harm or injure someone by prayer or word
    To invoke divine judgment as to punish someone
    To blaspheme the Lord’s name
    To speak evil of: disapprove, cut people down
    To confer poverty, misfortune, sadness and death upon
    To injure, destroy or get retribution
    To have God’s disfavor

    Bless our Children in 2012
    Get Organized
    and do not curse

    The LORD Will Bless You Children, and keep You
    The LORD Will Shine Light Truth Upon You
    and Give You Grace
    The LORD Will Lift You Up
    and Give You Eternal Peace

  8. Thank you Lori for all you do. You are a real blessing. I am sure the home you are building for the young ladies will be very special. May the Lord continue to strength you and give you wisdom as you help us all to heal and get ready in every way. You arwe a real inispiration to me!

  9. Roll of plastic with duct tape, in case of a mutated bird or swine flu. Should that scenario happen, and I pray it does not. You would be able to seal your windows. Also in that case you would not want to leave your home for a period of time. So food storage and water filtration are a must. Going to the grocery store, or the mall, out to eat just would not be wise. Think about your pets and have what they would need. I like April’s comment, we have a ways to go to prepare, but one day at a time. Do a little here and there if you cannot do it all at once. Little is much when the Lord is in it and you would be surprised at how the little you do adds up.

  10. I could not agree with Jim and you more when you tell people to get your house order. This very thing has been tugging on my heart for the last year or so. Of course, we know who is doing the tugging! I feel I still have a ways to go to have my house in order but, hopefully, one day at a time I will get there with the Lord’s help.

    God bless you and your ministry.

  11. Louise:
    You mentioned above the following………
    I also learned to dehydrate food from Dehydrate 2 store video’s. Hers is the best.

    Would you be so kind as to share with me where you got the video’s. I would also like to learn how to deyhrate; as we have a smalll organic veggie garden each summer. Right now we freeze them all or acnn some; but would also like to be able to dehyrate foods.

    Thank you.

    • Shirl, just checked in and saw your post. You can just put in Dehydrate2store on google and it will bring up her site. Click on video’s also. I had dehydrated food for a while and thought I knew it all until I saw hers. She opened my eyes to new possibilities and ways to save money. You said you have a small organic veggie garden. I have been doing the same. It is amazing how a little turns into a lot. Take mustard greens. You can dehydrate them so very easily. Pulling off lower leaves first. Same with arugala, herbs and so much more. We can learn from people inside and outside of the church. Celery can be dehydrated, as well as cabbage, carrots, just about anything. Dehydrate 2 store will show you how, how to store it for long shelf life. Canning jars and a vacuum sealer are great to have for this. Oxygen packets in the canning jars with dehydrate food gives a long shelf life.

  12. In case water supply is questionable, perhaps a paint strainer (5 gal type) stretched over an empty 5 gal food bucket would help filter out debris, then filter again through a Seychelle bottle, etc. I packed a few paint filter/strainers in my extreme emergency bag. They are lightweight and serves the purpose that a t-shirt would to pre-filter before using the Seychelle filter.

  13. Don’t forget to buy some Naptha & 20 mule team borax..this makes laundry detergent. I save hotel bottles of shampoo, soap etc. Free and easy to barter or use. A candle lighter to start fires with. Various sized needles with thread and dental floss (makes great stitches or strong sewing material.) You can’t ever have to much salt along with other spices. Seal items with a food saver…they store longer. Duct tape..lots of it as it is so versatile. Reading glasses (they beat nothing if you break your glasses or have no contacts.) Toothbrushes & paste. Listerine..a bug repelant. Chap stick or vasoline. I hope some of these help. Thank you Lori & Jim! May God continue to bless you and those who listen to the Word!

  14. Hi Lori,great article.I would just like to add,as Judy commented on,that we should buy something each week.I kind of found getting prepared alittle daunting task at first…..and a friend of mine said she sets aside 20 bucks(or whatever you can do)to buy just long shelf life food for storage area….and other items…I think this will inspire other people to start doing the same,from buying here on your site….so as also to support the ministry….to even when we are in grocery store to buy even if its 5 or 10 dollars a week to get some long shelf live food.

  15. Recently I started putting things together for an emergency situation.
    What came to mind for storing extra clothes,blankets, pillows etc are the “space bags”. They allow you to remove all the excess air which helps use less space plus keeps them clean until needed.
    Nancy Perrine

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