Will Your Health Force You into an Anti-Christ System?

The Lord has been speaking to me very strongly for quite a while now about being physically healthy.  I believe this message is not only for me, but for everyone who will hear.  If you listen with spiritual ears, you will hear the wisdom in the practical and spiritual application of getting healthy – as much as we can affect it by our own disciplines and actions.  Then, and only then, should we need the grace of God for His supernatural intervention for healing – the kind of healing He paid for with His life and provided in His atonement on the Cross.

One of the prophets who visited us recently, Bob Hartley, gave us a warning about five waves of supernatural challenge for 2011.  We will be talking about these waves in the days to come.  They are especially meaningful and poignant to me because God gave me a dream about huge waves that are coming against His people.  When God speaks, He usually confirms what we’ve heard out of the mouths of two or three others.

One of the waves to watch out for Bob called the “Nanny State”.  It is characterized by false dependencies we may have upon the government or system to “take care of” us.  One of the ways this happens is through entitlements such as healthcare and prescription drugs.  In the days that are coming and are soon to arrive, we will not survive if our dependence is on anything but the Lord Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

We do need to be healthy for what’s ahead – physically as well as spiritually.  Some of us won’t make it through the Times of Trouble that are very soon upon us if we aren’t at our physical best.  What will you do when you can’t get prescription drugs for diabetes or for your other health issues?  What will you do if the anti-christ system says you have to have the mark of the beast in order to be eligible for prescription medications and other government entitlements?

Isn’t it better to correct health issues now – if you can – by adjusting your eating and exercising habits?  Isn’t it better to have your physical body in the best possible condition now instead of waiting for God to fix things?  I will show you my faith, by my works!

Some people think I can be a little over-the-top in my passion and quest for healthy living.  Perhaps they are right.  But when the Lord speaks to me about something, I have learned to pay attention and trust that there’s a reason to be concerned and so impressed to deliver this message to my viewers who have an ear to hear.

A word the Lord spoke to me recently is “stop soothing the saints and start stirring them!”  I am usually hesitant to be so strong with people, yet I know what I heard from Him.  There is a time for everything, and to everything a purpose under heaven.  So the purpose I have in stirring people to take action in becoming healthy is to prepare them for the soon-coming snares and traps that we may fall into if we depend on natural sources for our well-being.

Yes, the Lord is graceful, and even when we don’t do those things we know we should, perhaps He will intervene and supernaturally provide the healing we need.  Yet, the Bible says that “he who knows to do right, and doesn’t do it – to him it is sin”.

We sometimes forget the admonishments of God in His Word, while we love to capitalize on His grace and mercy.  But, it’s time now for the full counsel of the Word.  It’s time now for the truth.  It’s time now to get ready and be ready for the Times of Trouble.

Romans 6: 1,2: “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that ‘grace’ may abound?  God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”

Romans 6: 14,15: “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.  What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace?  God forbid!”

Hebrews 10: 29: “Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden underfoot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of ‘grace?”

God loves you – He really does!  And I love you too!


A Lasting Gift

The Christmas season represents the time for celebrating the ultimate Gift to mankind – the birth of Jesus, the Savior!  Jesus was given to us as a gift.

“…but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

As Christians who believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord, we have set aside the Christmas season to remember that Gift – and we do so by giving gifts to others!

While some Christians may get hung up on the exact day Jesus was born or refuse to celebrate the Christmas season because they believe it has become too commercialized, I think it’s important to remember just what Christmas means to God!  You can trust that the birthday of God’s only begotten Son is important to Him and He is not offended that we celebrate it! 

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

 But while we are giving gifts in celebration of the Christmas season, remember also that Jesus is coming again and He’s coming very soon!  The events of the Revelation Days are not slowing down because our calendar says it’s the Christmas season! 

The events of Revelation propel us towards the Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the age.  We have a tremendous responsibility in the midst of all the shaking and turmoil around us.  Our temptation is to focus on the events, but our responsibility is to stay focused on the God of the events, and understand His heart and priorities.  Very little of what we do in this life will matter unless it echoes the heart of God.  Here is what God has said about his heart:

 …not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9)

 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)

Even so, it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish. (Matthew 18:14)

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in Heaven, over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance. (Luke 15:7)

My passion and the reason for my life, is and always has been, to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  God called me and gave me the vision for Christian broadcasting as a young man.  I’m not young anymore, but I’m still the same man who received that call over 50 years ago, and the passion is even more urgent as we see the time of His return growing closer.

 When you think about what the word “broadcasting” means, it means a wide distribution.  Television, with its 21st century capabilities, has the ability to reach into virtually every home all over the world. 

 When the disciples were commissioned to “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”, they never imagined that they could do so via the miracle of television and multiply the effects of their message many times over what they were able to do as individuals.  Yet, you and I are fulfilling that great commission today via Christian broadcasting.

 Jesus said:

 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24:14)

Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (John 4:35)

“…The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37).

 The work is still being done every day in Christian broadcasting, yet there is coming a time when the work will be over and we will give an account for what we did or didn’t do.  I need help to continue doing the work of the Lord in Christian broadcasting.  This Christmas season, Lori and I pray that we can stay on the air with your help for as long as He tarries.  Together, we will give a lasting gift of the message of Jesus to a lost and hurting world.

  “…then He shall reward every man according to his works.”  (Matthew 16:27)

 We long to hear “well done, good and faithful servant”!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Jesus!

God loves you, He really does!


Days of Transition Ahead

We have had several prophets visit Morningside recently.  One common theme in their messages is that the Lord’s people will be going through a transition in the coming year – a very narrow place.   This narrow place is allegorically likened to the birth canal.  When a woman is in labor, the most crucial moments preceding birth are when the baby enters a very narrow transitional passage called the birth canal.

The birth canal allegory has been used to explain many spiritual transition processes the Lord takes His people through.  Transition is another term used to explain the time period between when the baby enters the birth canal, the movement through it, and just before the triumphant arrival!

Every time this allegory is used, there is one thing that is emphasized – the narrowness of the path and the pain involved in the process.  But there is no other way except THROUGH!  Remember, we are going somewhere and we will get there if we just endure!

The prophets are saying that 2011 is going to be a year of transition for the Lord’s people.  Spiritually, what the prophets are speaking of is a process of God’s people moving through a very uncomfortable time ahead.  But, we must go through if we are to go on to the victory ahead.

While we may soon feel the intensity of the coming press in the Revelation days ahead, we must keep the Glorious Prize in mind – the arrival of our King!

When Kingdoms Collide

The kingdoms of this world are colliding with something more powerful than money – they are colliding with the Word of God that prophesies of their demise throughout the history of time.  In the 11th chapter of Revelations, we see the end result of this collision:

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” READ MORE

Jesus Is Coming Again

The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ.  He came once in human history, imploding into our world as a mere mortal, and He is coming again.  Jesus Himself promised that He will return at the end of the age.More than two hundred Scripture references spoke of His first coming. The Bible accurately predicted that Jesus would be born into the family of Judah; that He would be born to a virgin; that He would be born in Bethlehem; that He and His family would flee to Egypt; that He would heal the sick; that His own people would despise and reject Him; that He would be betrayed by a friend; that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver; that he would be crucified with sinners; that His side would be pierced; that He would be raised from the dead; and that he would ascend to heaven.

Amazingly, every detail of the prophecies concerning His first advent came to pass.

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise.

Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming. But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God. He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ.  He came once in human history, imploding into our world as a mere mortal, and He is coming again. Jesus Himself promised that He will return at the end of the age.

More than two hundred Scripture references spoke of His first coming. The Bible accurately predicted that Jesus would be born into the family of Judah; that He would be born to a virgin; that He would be born in Bethlehem; that He and His family would flee to Egypt; that He would heal the sick; that His own people would despise and reject Him; that He would be betrayed by a friend; that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver; that he would be crucified with sinners; that His side would be pierced; that He would be raised from the dead; and that he would ascend to heaven. Amazingly, every detail of the prophecies concerning His first advent came to pass.

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise. Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming.But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God.He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

What If…

One day soon, we heard…

The voice of the local radio broadcaster was frantic: “It’s horrendous!  This cannot be happening, yet even as I speak, the situation worsens.  Tonight, approximately fifteen minutes ago, a gigantic fissure opened in the earth near Lake Crowley, otherwise known as the Long Valley Reservoir, in the Mammoth Lakes region of the eastern Sierra Nevada area. According to eyewitness reports from individuals who observed the lake from nearby higher ground, the lake seemed to heave into the air, virtually catapulting its contents out of the lake basin.  

Apparently coinciding with the earthquake—or perhaps causing it—is a volcanic eruption in the area, spewing lava, steam, and volcanic ash into the sky. According to the state’s Department of Water and Power, increased activity has been detected for the past several years, and although seismic activity has recently increased in frequency and intensity, nobody could have predicted this sort of disaster.

“State emergency officials are warning people in Southern California not to drink your tap water. Repeat: do not drink your tap water. It has been contaminated. Lake Crowley formerly rested in a twenty-by-ten-mile crater that is thought to have been formed by a volcanic eruption seven hundred years ago. The lake is one of Southern California’s main water supply sources, collecting mountain runoff, which flows hundreds of miles south by way of aqueducts to Los Angeles. But the catastrophic explosion caused massive amounts of toxic ash to fall into the water, thus contaminating the water supply. Adding to the problem, the volcano has caused rapid melting of snow in the mountains, and flash floods are ripping through the area even as I speak. The floodwater is teeming with potentially hazardous volcanic debris known as lahar. If at all possible, residents should avoid any unnecessary contact with the floodwater until its toxicity can be determined.”

The announcer took a breath and then broke from his professional protocol. “It’s awful,” he gasped. “This is the worst disaster I’ve ever seen. There is no electricity throughout most of the state. Water is rushing through the valley like the Johnstown flood, and our drinking water supply is contaminated. The earth is shaking beneath our feet, its pitch black outside, getting colder by the hour, and we still have nine hours before sunrise. God help us all.”

(From the book “The Refuge” by Jim Bakker)

One Day Soon

It may surprise some of  you, but the reality is that we are already in a war, a spiritual war, right here on Earth.  The kingdom of God is being viciously opposed by the forces of evil.  This war is real with very high stakes – the salvation of men, women, boys and girls all over the world.   As the Church, we are new soldiers in this very old war.

Every day we are moving closer and closer to the time of Jesus’ return.    This is not a time to sit on the sidelines and watch as a spectator.  We are entering a season of acceleration. READ MORE

Feet of Clay

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Christians aren’t perfect – just forgiven”?  We have to be careful with this, but it’s a true statement.  We are not perfect, and we all have ‘feet of clay’.  If you’re not familiar with that term, I’ll show you what it means:

FEET OF CLAY – “The phrase comes from the Old Testament (Dan.2:31-32). There the Hebrew captain Daniel interprets a dream for Nebuchadnezzar, founder of the new Babylonian Empire. READ MORE

Can These Bones Live?

What could be more unlikely than a pile of human bones living again?  It doesn’t seem like a very intelligent question to ask and an even more impossible thing to actually occur.

Yet, God Himself asked the question of Ezekiel as he looked out over the valley of dry bones:

And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live?

and I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.

As Ezekiel looked at the dry valley of bones, he had no hope.  He saw only bones that appeared to be dead, dry and beyond hope.

There was a reason God asked Ezekiel if the bones could live.  God wanted Ezekiel to know that the bones could live, and that he had a very important role to play in their living.  Let’s read on:

Ezekiel 37:1-10:  Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”

7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feeta vast army.

In these last days, there are many of God’s people that appear to be dead, dry and beyond hope.  The battles have been fierce, and while they appear to be defeated, don’t count them out just yet.  In fact, it is the Lord’s heart to count them in!  The Lord is raising up an army – a vast army from the bones of those who appear to be lifeless and without hope!

It is the prophetic call and responsibility of the Church to speak life to the dry bones within.  The Lord said “I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!”

From my own personal experience, when you have been down for such a long time, and someone tells you that you CAN get up – it’s as life-giving as the very breath you breathe!  You can rise again!  You may have been told it’s over, you’re done.  But, God says NOW is the time, NOW is your time!

Jesus came to give hope to the hopeless.  It’s time we learn to speak life to those who need encouragement and hope.  When you speak words of life, you are literally creating the will to live – and that is Jesus’ heart!

NOW is the time to speak life to someone!

I’d Rather Have Jesus

I am convinced that during the times of calamity that are about to come upon the world, some of God’s people will receive massive amounts of material goods.  I believe that when the tough times come, many of this world’s prized possessions will be given to the church and placed in the hands of God’s people. But don’t set your heart upon them. God is not opposed to our having stuff, but he is very much opposed to stuff having us.

Scripture says, “though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them” (Ps. 62:10 NIV).

Keeping a right perspective toward making money and acquiring material wealth is a heart issue.  Jesus told us that if we would abide in Him, we could ask whatever we wanted and it would be done. (John 15:7)— if we abide in Him and His words abide in us.  If He is truly Lord of our lives and His word is in our hearts, we will not ask Him for things to use for our carnal desires.

Materialistic Christianity was not the message of the early apostles, nor was it what motivated the great preachers, missionaries, and world-changers down through church history.

Brethren, we ought to learn — and learn it very soon — that it is much better to have God first and have God Himself even if we have only a thin dime than to have all the riches and all the influence in the world and not have God with it!