The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 5)

Rochester Prison 1990

Throughout the early part of 1990 I continued to ride an emotional roller-coaster, occasionally having an up day and then plunging headlong into another stomach-wrenching period of despair.

Often when I was alone in my cell, I would lie with my head against the wall, groaning from deep within.  It was more than a physical or emotional pain; it was a soul pain.  “Oh, God, where are You?” I cried.  Have I offended You so badly that You will not even speak to me anymore?”  I feared, I must have done something terrible that God would turn His back on me.  I thought God must be punishing me for every sin I ever committed. READ MORE

The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 4)

Have you ever heard the saying in Christian circles, “never trust anyone who doesn’t walk with a limp?”  This saying is so common now that it sometimes can sound rather trite, but it’s not, not when it comes from a place of suffering and humility.  When it’s used by someone who hasn’t been to that place, and doesn’t know of that suffering, it’s usually brought without the humility that characterizes its veracity. READ MORE

The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 3)

1989 – Rochester Prison

Soon a guard checked to see that my cellmates and I were still there, all prisoners present and accounted for.  The heavy cell door made a whoosh! Sound as the guard closed it behind him.  I hated that sound.  It was as though all the air was being sucked out of the closet-sized room. READ MORE

The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 2)

Faith – it’s a word we have used and overused in our country, our churches, and our own personal lives.  People have faith in many things; faith in people, systems, governments, sociologies, economies, and the big one for our somewhat humanistic generation:  relationships.  Social relationships are taught, sought and sometimes bought in our politically charged and socially driven generation of ambition seekers…. and this includes some in the general church population. READ MORE

The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 1)

Our recent show guest, John Shorey, and I touched on a subject that is probably one of the most pertinent to the Times in which we are living – the trial of your faith. This is a subject worth exploring and I am going to do a series of blogs on it.

For me, the trial of my faith has taken on many different forms and spanned many decades. One would think that things would get easier as you go along in your Christian walk, but I’ve found that is not the case when you are on the front lines. READ MORE

Deadlines Bring Out Destiny

Have you ever sat back and watched people when they are faced with a deadline?  Whether it’s a construction project, a production schedule, a corporate venture, or any number of other scenarios, when people face a deadline, you will see many different responses from those who are involved based on their individual level of commitment.

When faced with a deadline, some people short-circuit and can’t seem to get it together.  These often have the “deer in a headlight” look.  Then there are those who put in a half-hearted effort to meet the deadline, but you know by the way they work that they’re really not all that interested and usually have some other motivating factor, like a paycheck for example.

Then there are those who put their nose to the grindstone, work past any normal working hours, and have the “eye of the tiger” when it comes to the passion they demonstrate.  These are the people who have a destiny involved with the project.  These are the people you can count on to make sure the project comes together and everything is READY when it should be!

Impossible deadlines bring out the “fiber” of people!  The people who will do the all-night duty are the ones you know have a destiny interest in the project!

That’s what it’s going to take in the Last Days to accomplish the work the Lord has assigned to His people.  It’s going to take passion and commitment, and a mind and heart set on the things of God – not set on what’s in it for me!  Those who have a mind to work don’t watch the clock in order to quit as soon as possible – they watch the prophetic timetable laid out in the Word and it fuels their desires to work!  It fuels their every thought, motive, and desire to press through to the destiny God ordained for them!

Right now, we still have time to work.  We still have time to prepare for Times of Trouble and we still have time to reach the lost!  The Bible says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  We’re not looking for ways to get out of work, we’re looking for ways to be strong in the work we have been given!

God is joining us together with people of like-vision and passion.  He is doing this for these Last Days so that He can bless the work! (Psalm 133:1-3)  We may be a rag-tag bunch like David’s Army – but we’ve been purified in the fires of adversity and we  have our eyes set on the goal!

We do have a prophetic deadline when all of our work will cease.  But until then, we will work with an unbridled passion and a tireless commitment to our Lord Jesus and His Soon Return!

Three Million without POWER!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I can’t even believe what I’m reading in today’s news.  Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones in this storm!  I don’t ever remember these kind of storms and this amount of people being out of power.  Our way of life in this country depends on electrical power – and when that is gone, we better have a backup or we will suffer greatly.

This is why I’ve been trying to get people ready.  This is why I’ve been warning people about the things that are about to happen.  Do you think there will be some people without refrigeration because of these storms?  How about charging a cell phone?  One news article said that people were searching for any place that is open to find an outlet to charge their cell phones.  Can you imagine not being able to contact your family during an emergency like this?  The news also said that they are running out of gas already in the storm areas, and that means you can’t just run to the store – their power is out too!  Officials are describing the situation as “crisis conditions” and “state of emergency.”

I know in my spirit that the things the prophets have talked about on our show are happening NOW.  When Rick Joyner was here last, he used an analogy of an airplane’s instrument panel and said when you see the needles on the dashboard instruments jumping wildly from one side to the other, you know something is about to come apart.  He said the Lord showed him how the weather was like that too – when you see extreme highs and lows, record-breaking temperatures both hot and cold, and other wild weather events that are abnormal, you will know that something is about to come apart in our world!

In my book, “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse” I wrote:   “Catastrophic calamities are coming upon the earth, not one of these days in the distant future, but soon—now! Torrential rains, unsettling weather patterns, violent storms, floods, famines, droughts, earthquakes increasing in frequency and intensity, volcanic eruptions, and a host of other signs of the times Jesus told us to watch for are happening now.”

Why are all these things happening with rapidly increasing frequency and intensity?  Because these are the signs that are preceding the second coming of Jesus!

Matt 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Luke 21:7 “Teacher,” they asked, “when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to take place?” Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and epidemics in many lands, and there will be terrifying things, and great miraculous signs in the heavens.”

All this week in our 4th of July activities, we will be giving you great ideas and offering love gifts that are essential in times like these.  Our Fuel-Less generator is unparalleled in its usefulness when the power goes out and keeping your food cold or charging a cell phone is only two of the benefits of owning one – our Sun Oven lets you cook food for your family without any power except the sun – our 20-year shelf life food will not spoil without power – and everything from our Fire Now and Seychelle water products geared toward helping folks to sustain some degree of normalcy when things like this happen.

Yes, we are raising money – it takes money to stay on the air and help people get ready for times like these and the Times of Trouble ahead.  I know the ministry God has called me to, and I am determined to help as many people as possible and ease some of their suffering if at all possible!

We have received warning after warning from the prophets who have visited our show to get ready NOW!

It’s too late for the people affected by this storm to get ready.  For them, we pray for God’s grace and provision.  But for those of you who are reading this and can tune in to our show this coming week, we pray that you will be inspired to get ready NOW!

We love you all!



Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 12)

Mary burst out laughing.  “Dear me, I haven’t even taken an aspirin in ages!  But, yes, I will be glad to give you what I have.  You come.  Even after this crisis is over, come and be a part of our fellowship.  You’ll see what I mean.  We’re not closing up.  These are exciting days, and you are more than welcome to join us.”

“So what’s the catch?” Stan’s cynical side still remained unsatisfied.  “After you get me in the church, you bilk me out of all my money, is that it?” READ MORE

Who Ya Gonna Call? (Pt. 11)

“It sounds as though you have your own little club going here,” said Stan with a smile.

“Oh, not alt all.  In fact, our church is winning more people to Jesus than ever before.  Every day new people show up at our door.  Some come, of course, because they heard that we have food available and are willing to help.  Others come because they have no place else to turn.  But a lot of people want to be a part of a church that cares.” READ MORE

Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 10)

“But then calamity after calamity started to happen. At first it was awful. Everybody was at one another’s throats, arguing over all sorts of silly things, but little by little, the Lord began a marvelous refining process in our congregation. I’m not sure, but I think that’s what the Bible means when it says that Jesus will return one day soon for a church without spot or wrinkle. I think He’s getting the spots and wrinkles out of us by using all these tribulations we’ve been going through …” Mary paused in front of two large sets of doors. READ MORE