Scary Stock Market Parallel

Mark Hulbert, Editor of the Hulbert Financial Digest, warns that another Great Depression could happen soon.

According to Hulbert, the stock market parallels the behavior of the stock market before the 1929 crash. A chart comparing today’s market to the market of 1928-29 is making its rounds around Wall Street, and experts are frightened by what they see.

“…the market over the past two months has continued to more or less closely follow the 1928-29 pattern outlined in that two-months-ago chart. If this correlation continues, the market faces a particularly rough period later this month and in early March,” Hulbert wrote in his analysis of the stock market.

Although the markets’ correlation is uncanny, Tom McClellan of the McClellan Market Report, mentioned “…there is no guarantee that the market has to continue following through with every step of the 1929 pattern…” However, McClellan does believe there is reason for caution between now and May 2014.

Revelation 13 (Pt. 1)

Satan attempts to counterfeit all the good things God has provided, so we should not be surprised that just as there is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Enemy has a trinity as well. The players in this evil threesome are Satan (the Dragon), the Beast (the antichrist), and a second beast (the False Prophet). This second beast is a public relations man of sorts who causes the world to worship the Beast and Satan. They are intent on ruling the world, and for a time, it looks as if the devil and his demon-possessed puppets will succeed. But then Jesus Christ returns—and the devil and his motley crew receive everything they deserve.

You will be rewarded and will reign forever with Jesus in a new heaven and a new earth. That’s where we are going, but the going gets extremely rough between now and then.

John saw the antichrist, a world leader who rises to power because of his great oratory skills and his winsome charisma. He will promise people everything they want to hear, but he will ultimately lead them into bondage and death. READ MORE

South Dakota Red Cross Branch Responds To Propane Shortage

With propane prices rising and temperatures falling, thousands of people in South Dakota are worried that they won’t be able to heat their homes.

“If you think about 57,000 households in South Dakota or about 70 percent of people in the state who use propane for heating, that’s a real impact on our state,” said Senator John Thune.

Senator Thune has been working hard for relief aid from the federal government, including sending a personal letter to President Obama.

Until federal aid arrives, the Red Cross has stepped in, providing residents in the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe with warm places to stay, hot meals, and extra supplies.

“…our concern was making sure they had a warm, safe place to be and that they had safe food to eat while they were waiting for the cold to break or to get propane resupplied at their homes,” said Dan Kuecker, the Disaster Program Manager for Western South Dakota for the American Red Cross.

North Dakota Woman Found Dead With No Propane in Tank

North Dakota authorities are investigating the death of woman who was found in her home with an empty propane tank.

Debbie Dogskin’s body was discovered Tuesday morning at her Fort Yates home located on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

Temperatures on the reservation dropped to 1 degree below zero overnight according to Sioux County Sheriff Frank Landeis.

Autopsy results are expected today, but Landeis believes Dogskin “froze to death.”

Tribal officials have declared a state of emergency due to about 5,000 homes on the reservation are heated by propane. According to Tribal Chairman, Dave Archambault II, many residents are struggling to afford the more expensive fuel due to the high prices.

FERC Asks Enterprise To Help During Propane Shortage

Due to the nationwide propane shortage, the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) asked the federal energy regulator to order more supplies to create more propane. The additional orders will come from an Enterprise Product Partners Pipeline.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) stated in a notice that the association asked Enterprise, one of the biggest suppliers of propane in the country, to supply 75,000 barrel per day (bpd) of propane along its TE Products pipeline running from the Gulf Coast to the Northeast. Service will start immediately until the end of the first week of March.

“NPGA submits that due to unique weather and other circumstances beyond control of shipers, propane supplies throughout the country, particularly the Midwest and Northeast, have reached dangerously low levels,” the FERC notice said.

Millions of Americans throughout the Northeast and Midwest have suffered from the shortage during this record breaking cold winter season.

Midwest State Officials Take Action During Propane Shortage

Several state officials are investigating price gouging, trying to increase aid to low-income customers, and taking action against vendors due to propane shortages.

Midwestern and Southern residents are struggling to keep warm with the rising prices or supply cutoffs from propane distributors.

A major propane supplier in Kentucky was forced to stop delivering to commercial customers in several states after Kentucky’s attorney general was given an injunction against the company.

Missouri’s Justice Department and was asked by lawmakers to investigate rising propane prices. Missouri’s attorney general will be helping in the investigation as well.

A letter detailing concerns and actions of dealers was released by the Missouri Propane Association.

Colorado Lawmaker Wants to Declare State of Emergency

Colorado Senator Greg Brophy wants state officials to declare a state of emergency to assist families with skyrocketing propane prices.

Due to the many winter storms, many low-income families have maxed out their heating assistance benefits yet need more to continue staying warm throughout the winter.

Propane prices have risen by as much as 350% during this winter season across the United States. Residents of Colorado claim prices rose from approximately $2.50 a gallon to $5 a gallon and are expected to keep rising.

Michigan State Departments Assist Residents During Propane Shortage

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced today that state administration is taking action to assist residents who have been affected by the ongoing propane shortage.

The Department of Human Services and legislature are working together to dedicate $7 million to the Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program in addition to another $7 million that was devoted to heating assistance from the Michigan Energy Assistance Program.

A loan program is also being initialized to help propane dealers and distributors who are struggling to meet demand by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

Additionally, the state is pushing for increased propane supply. More than 1.3 million gallons of propane have been delivered to the state this week.

Excitement Builds as “SON OF GOD” is Introduced

One of the greatest things about being on the air is the opportunity we have to bring you exceptional guests. On a recent broadcast, we had the privilege of hosting Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (Producer of The Voice, Survivor, and many others) when they came to tell us about their new movie, SON OF GOD.

Our family had a chance to preview this amazing film with Roma and Mark and I have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful depiction of the life of Christ in such a sweeping, epic production. We were awestruck and captivated as we watched. The impact of this amazing film cannot be overstated. This larger-than-life movie portrays the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in the New Testament featuring powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer. READ MORE

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett present “SON OF GOD”

One of the greatest things about being on the air is the opportunity we have to bring you exceptional guests.  On a recent broadcast, we had the privilege of hosting Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (Producer of The Voice, Survivor, and many others) when they came to tell us about their new movie, SON OF GOD.  Our family had a chance to preview this amazing film with Roma and Mark and I have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful depiction of the life of Christ in such a sweeping, epic production.  We were awestruck and captivated as we watched.  The impact of this amazing film cannot be overstated.  This larger-than-life movie portrays the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in the New Testament featuring powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer.

It’s not often that I’m starstruck, but I can truly say that having Roma Downey and Mark Burnett on the show was one of the all-time highlights of my life.  These are warm and loving people, relatable in every way.  Even so, when I first met them, I was like a nervous school kid!  But they were quick to put all of us at ease and we had a great time talking about the Lord and their new movie. READ MORE