Senator Tells Liberty Students To Defend Their Faith

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Texas Senator Ted Cruz told the students at Liberty University’s convocation to stand up for their faith because Christians in America will be facing increasing attacks.

Cruz said that religious freedom in America “has never been more imperiled than it is right now.”

“Religious liberty has never been more under assault,” Cruz said, “As believers we are called to action, not to sitting quietly hiding our faith under a bushel, but to stand and speak no matter what the consequences.”

Cruz pointed out the mandate by the Obama administration in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers to cover drugs that can induce abortions as an example of the erosion of religious freedom in America.  He said the current case at the Supreme Court involving Hobby Lobby is not about birth control but whether the government can “force people to violate their religious freedoms.”

Cruz spoke about two pastors who have been imprisoned because of standing up for their faith and said they were example for the students:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Saeed Abedini.

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