Jesus Is Coming Again

The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ.  He came once in human history, imploding into our world as a mere mortal, and He is coming again.  Jesus Himself promised that He will return at the end of the age.More than two hundred Scripture references spoke of His first coming. The Bible accurately predicted that Jesus would be born into the family of Judah; that He would be born to a virgin; that He would be born in Bethlehem; that He and His family would flee to Egypt; that He would heal the sick; that His own people would despise and reject Him; that He would be betrayed by a friend; that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver; that he would be crucified with sinners; that His side would be pierced; that He would be raised from the dead; and that he would ascend to heaven.

Amazingly, every detail of the prophecies concerning His first advent came to pass.

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise.

Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming. But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God. He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ.  He came once in human history, imploding into our world as a mere mortal, and He is coming again. Jesus Himself promised that He will return at the end of the age.

More than two hundred Scripture references spoke of His first coming. The Bible accurately predicted that Jesus would be born into the family of Judah; that He would be born to a virgin; that He would be born in Bethlehem; that He and His family would flee to Egypt; that He would heal the sick; that His own people would despise and reject Him; that He would be betrayed by a friend; that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver; that he would be crucified with sinners; that His side would be pierced; that He would be raised from the dead; and that he would ascend to heaven. Amazingly, every detail of the prophecies concerning His first advent came to pass.

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise. Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming.But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God.He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

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