Decisions Affect Destiny

Every day of your life you will make decisions that affect your destiny. There was a time years ago that I made a very bad decision in my personal life and it cost me dearly. My destiny was altered from what it could have been because I decided to commit sin. While God is full of mercy and grace to forgive and restore us, the decisions we make to sin will cause natural consequences.

Every decision you make is a step either toward or away from your destiny, or better said, your destination in life. Your choices will create the causes-and-effects that shape your life. How can you know if you’re moving in the right direction? Do your decisions line up with the Word of God? Don’t ignore the prompting of the Spirit. Your destiny is waiting on the other side of your right actions.

Everything in life is determined by how you think! Right thinking positions you for a life of joy and peace in the Spirit. The Bible says “as a man thinks, so is he”. It’s true – that’s why the Bible also says to renew your mind: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

1 Your thoughts create your emotions .

2. Your emotions prompt your decisions.

3. Your decisions determine your actions.

4. Your actions, repeated over time, become habits.

5. Your habits develop and demonstrate your character.

6. Your character produces your destiny.

While bad decisions will take you further than you ever wanted to go, keep you longer than you ever thought you would stay, and cost you more than you ever thought you would pay; when you make good decisions, they will lead you into your destiny.

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