Over 2.5 Million Syrians Displaced By Civil War

Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

“Hardly a day goes by when our senses are not bludgeoned by some new outbreak of terrorism in the Middle East. Despite our best efforts at making and keeping the peace, political, economic, and religious tensions often lead to unrest, violence, and riots.”

-Jim Bakker in “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse”

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent relief organization has released figures with the United Nations showing that over 2.5 million civilians have been displaced in the country since the start of the nation’s civil war.

UN refugee agency spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said the group’s estimate was “very conservative” and said because of people on the run or in hiding it’s impossible to guess the actual number of people displaced by the war.

The United Nations has issued a call for relief help stating that in the early part of next year the number of people who need food, shelter, clothes and clean water could exceed 4 million.

A relief warehouse in Aleppo was shelled by government troops resulting in over 13,000 blankets and other relief items being destroyed.

The new coalition of Syrian rebels has asked for international recognition as the country’s true government allowing them to obtain weapons and military help from other nations. Fighting in Damascus today has killed at least 41 people with reports stating the dead are mostly civilians.

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