What America Should Be Paying Attention To (Day 1)

Pastor Jim and Lori discuss what American citizens should pay attention to, including the threat of EMP attack on our country, with special guest Doctor William Forstchen.

| Show# 3081 | Aired on September 19th 2016
A Morningside Studios Production
America's Spiritual Health, Being Prepared, Terrorism, Power Grid, EMP Attack, ISIS

Pastor Jim and Lori discuss what American citizens should pay attention to, including the threat of EMP attack on our country, with special guest Doctor William Forstchen.

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There’s a movement in our country, literally, to close Christian universities down. - Pastor Jim

I’m afraid that we’re not going to have the rights to even display the cross in any way. - Pastor Jim

I have become convinced that the reason we’re not seeing more aggressive action is that certain people will be well taken care of in a crisis, while the rest of us starve. - Willam Forstchen

We’re facing a true Constitutional crisis. - William Forstchen

Somebody please show me in the Constitution where I am protected from being offended by somebody. - William Forstchen


Romans 1:13 NIV I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles.


A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election - US News

Experts fear ISIS terrorist knifemen will target Western church for their next attack - Mirror

ISIS video shows boys executing prisoners - CNN

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

America to hand off Internet in under two months - Washington Examiner

Louisiana's Historic Floods - The Atlantic

Hermine's power impact the worst since Kate - Tallahassee Democrat


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