| Show# 2629 | Aired on November 13th 2014

A Morningside Studios Production
The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah

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The mystery of the Shemitah is the countdown of everything. It’s God’s pattern, it’s God’s countdown. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

When did the greatest collapse take place? On the same exact Biblical day that God appointed, Elul 29, the day of the Shemitah. I mean, not just Elul 29, but the Elul 29 that comes around only once every seven years. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

They show [President Obama] the last beam of the tower. It’s going to be highest tower, they say put words on it. He puts words on it. What words does he put? He puts an American modern prose version of Isaiah 9:10. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

God doesn’t have to do things as He did before, even on our schedules. When you put God in a box, He’s very good about getting out of it. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

The Shemitah is a reminder that any civilization that is blessed is blessed from God. No matter when it happens, including inside the Shemitah, or if it doesn’t happen in the Shemitah, a great shaking is coming to this land. It will strike America, I believe, and the world. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

I believe [God's shaking] will involve the breakdown of services, the breakdown of infrastructure. That’s why it is wise to be prepared. I don’t believe God called us to be survivalists; He called us to be revivalists. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

The safest place to be is called, "the will of God." Be in the will of God, you’ll be safe. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

We are not here to survive, we’re here to bless others and be a light to the world. It is a wise thing to have enough to get by with basic needs. Should times of crisis come, I believe we should have enough to get by for that period. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Yeshua in Hebrew is safety. Jesus is our safety. Inside of Him there is no fear, outside of Him there is no guarantee. If your life is not in Him, get in Him. If you are in Him, get more in Him. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

It’s time to get real for God; time to get more serious; more single-minded; more radical. It’s time to arise and shine and remember: greater is He in you than he, or anything, that’s in this world. -Rabbi Jonathan Cahn



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