| Show# 2513 | Aired on May 13th 2014
A Morningside Studios Production
Being Prepared, EMP Attack, One Second After

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I'm honored to say, I think I've served my country a bit by getting [One Second After] out. -Dr. William Forstchen

[An EMP Attack] is our Achilles' heel. It's the vulnerability of what we believe is a great nation, and it has been a great nation, but it's something that can cause us to become a third world country overnight. -Pastor Jim Bakker

When you're starving to death, what is silver and gold going to do? You don't want to bite into a piece of gold. You want some food. You want anything to stop that craving in your stomach. -Pastor Jim bakker

Suffering is always on the TV screen in front of us. Unless you've done mission work, or you've traveled into third world countries you haven't seen it. It's frightening. -Dr. William Forstchen


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