The “Fast Food” of Good Food - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Avery Jackson - Day 1
Our guests today are an osteopathic physician and practitioner of integrated medicine. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and board certified neurosurgeon and bestselling author, Dr. Avery Jackson! Hear the doctors discuss the current state of health care, as well as the coming changes and trends. Learn about the epidemic proportions of pre-diabetic youth, obesity and sugar addition in America and the life-changing habits that can improve overall health! See the Cardio Miracle Affiliate link at for details and deals!
Our guests today are an osteopathic physician and practitioner of integrated medicine. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and board certified neurosurgeon and bestselling author, Dr. Avery Jackson! Hear the doctors discuss the current state of health care, as well as the coming changes and trends. Learn about the epidemic proportions of pre-diabetic youth, obesity and sugar addition in America and the life-changing habits that can improve overall health! See the Cardio Miracle Affiliate link at for details and deals!