“Get the Lead Out!” - Carl Palmer - Day 1

The show welcomes Carl Palmer, founder, CEO and COB of Seychelle! Mr. Palmer shares his research into water quality issues with the panel and viewers. Topics include lead in drinking water at home and schools, plastic particles leaching from bottles into our water, and the presence of PFOA’s in the bodies of millions of people. To find out more and what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones from harmful chemicals in water, watch the show and go to our Seychelle affiliate page!

| Show# 4747 | Aired on February 22nd 2024
A Morningside Studios Production

The show welcomes Carl Palmer, founder, CEO and COB of Seychelle! Mr. Palmer shares his research into water quality issues with the panel and viewers. Topics include lead in drinking water at home and schools, plastic particles leaching from bottles into our water, and the presence of PFOA’s in the bodies of millions of people. To find out more and what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones from harmful chemicals in water, watch the show and go to our Seychelle affiliate page!

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