United States border agents intercepted truck full of methamphetamine disguised as watermelons


Important Takeaways:

  • United States border agents have intercepted a truck carrying more than $5m-worth of methamphetamine at the US-Mexico border hidden inside a shipment of watermelons.
  • The drugs were wrapped in plastic painted in two shades of green to resemble the fruit and placed among real watermelons.
  • More than two tonnes (2204 lbs.) of methamphetamine – in a total of 1,220 packages – was seized by officers.
  • Stashing drugs among produce is a common way to smuggle the illicit substances across borders – banana shipments are the most popular but officers have recently found narcotics in Gouda cheese and avocados.
  • The seizure came a week after officials at the same border crossing discovered almost 300kg of meth in a shipment of celery.

Read the original article by clicking here.

2020 to 2022 Border Town’s Criminal Prosecutions Explode by 5,000%

Migrant crisis continues at US-Mexico border

Important Takeaways:

  • Illegal Immigration Overload: Border Town’s Criminal Prosecutions Explode by 5,000% on Biden’s Watch
  • Kinney County, Texas, one of several American border communities, has seen criminal prosecutions explode as illegal immigration has hit record levels on President Joe Biden’s watch.
  • During a House Budget Committee hearing last week, Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith told lawmakers that in 2020, under former President Donald Trump, the county reported just 134 criminal charges for prosecution.
  • After Biden “issued multiple executive orders, revoking numerous border security policies,” Smith said criminal charges for prosecution skyrocketed in 2021 to nearly 3,000, roughly 6,800 in 2022, and more than 5,800 in 2023.
  • This indicates that from 2020 to 2022, Kinney County saw criminal charges for prosecution increase by almost 5,000 percent, and from 2020 to 2023, increase by more than 4,200 percent.
  • “Kinney County normally operates within a $6 million-dollar annual budget,” Smith told lawmakers:
    • However, the open border policies enacted by the Biden administration has required the county to significantly expand the capacities of our local criminal justice system, costing Texas taxpayers an additional 10.5 million dollars.
  • Kinney County has a population of fewer than 3,200 residents. At the same time, the Del Rio Sector of the southern border, where Kinney County sits, has seen nearly 200,000 migrants cross in the region from October 2023 through March of this year.

Read the original article by clicking here.