Important Takeaways:
- Russia ‘will not be afraid to use NUCLEAR weapons in a war with NATO because it believes the US wouldn’t dare respond’
- Russia’s willingness to deploy nuclear weapons in a potential conflict with NATO is growing because the Kremlin believes the US and its allies would not dare to respond, a think tank warned yesterday
- ‘Knowing that the West is casualty- and risk-averse, Russia may seek to use enough non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNW) to inflict damage preventing its own defeat,’ the report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) read.
- ‘[Russia knows] the US would be unwilling to cross the nuclear threshold in retaliation, and may terminate the conflict early.
- ‘The Russian perception of the lack of credible Western will to use nuclear weapons or to accept casualties in conflict further reinforces Russia’s aggressive NSNW thought and doctrine,’ it concluded.
- The report said the logic of using such a nuclear weapon would be to escalate a conflict in a controlled fashion, ‘either to prevent the US and NATO from engaging, or to coerce them into war termination on Russian terms’.
- NSNWs include all nuclear weapons with a range of up to 3,400 miles, starting with tactical arms designed for use on the battlefield – as opposed to longer-range strategic nuclear weapons that Russia or the US could use to strike each other’s homeland.
Read the original article by clicking here.