Fast Food no longer worth it: 62% said they are eating it less frequently due to the cost


Important Takeaways:

  • Many Americans consider fast food to be a ‘luxury’ good since prices have skyrocketed
  • Fast food is beloved in America because it is cheap and convenient.
  • At least it used to be.
  • The recent inflation report for April showed that since President Biden took office, the cost of eating out at restaurants is up nearly 22%. However, fast food has been hit particularly hard, with prices dramatically rising at the most popular restaurant chains beginning even before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Gone, too, are the days of the $5 Footlong at Subway. A BLT Footlong that cost $5.50 in 2019 now costs customers $8.49 in 2024, though prices can vary by location. Additionally, Chipotle’s beloved chicken burrito that cost $6.50 in 2019 now runs customers $10.70.
  • Fast-food executives have pointed to rising wages and increased costs for ingredients as factors driving up the prices on their menus.
  • Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows that fast-food prices have actually increased faster than the average hourly earnings of most employees at fast-food restaurants. Fast-food prices have also outpaced inflation, rising 41% from 2017, while the consumer price index has increased by 35.9%.
  • A recent survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a “luxury” purchase due to how expensive the meals have become.
  • The financial strain means fewer people are visiting the drive-thru. The findings show three out of four Americans typically eat fast-food once a week, but 62% of respondents said they are eating it less frequently due to the cost.

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