Venezuelan Government Threatening Foreign Press

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Venezuelan’s government is trying to keep the world from finding out about the degrading conditions in the country.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is threatening to throw CNN out of the country if they don’t stop providing truthful coverage of the protests and civil unrest in the nation.

“I’ve asked minister Delcy RodrĂ­guez to tell CNN we have started the administrative process to remove them from Venezuela if they don’t rectify (their coverage),” Maduro said on state TV. “Enough! I won’t accept war propaganda against Venezuela. If they don’t rectify this, they’re out of the country.”

The government has been trying to hide the level of protests in the country since the arrest of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez on terrorism charges.  Human rights groups around the world have condemned the arrest as purely political.

The government has kept Venezuelan media from reporting on the protests.

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