Turkey Officials State Downed Drone is Russian

Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

According to the Turkish military, a drone shot down by Turkish warplanes in Turkish air space near Syria on Friday was Russian-made.  Moscow insists however, that the unmanned aircraft did not belong to Russia and that their drones are all accounted for.   

The drone was downed after it continued on its flight path despite three warnings, the Turkish military said. Earlier this month, Russian jets violated Turkish airspace on two occasions.  Russia’s military said it will continue to deploy drones over Syria “I would . . . like to emphasize that Russian drones are continuing to monitor the situation in Syria’s skies,” spokesman Igor Konashenkov said, AFP reported.

In a live televised interview,  Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that the drone may have belonged to the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Kurdish PYD militia, or other forces.

According to Reuters, he said that his country will not hesitate to shoot down planes violating its airspace.   

“We downed a drone yesterday. If it was a plane we’d do the same. Our rules of engagement are known. Whoever violates our borders, we will give them the necessary answer,” Davutoglu told a rally of his ruling AK Party.

One thought on “Turkey Officials State Downed Drone is Russian

  1. It sounds good. It is the right way to respond agai nst violations of this sort. Maybe the greek government responds in the same way when turkish military aircraft violated greek airspace 22 times yesterday!!!!!!!

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