Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
Editor’s Note: Prophet Rick Joyner warns that when you see strange and extreme weather (record breaking highs, lows, floods, droughts, tornadoes, storms), it is a prophetic sign that the Revelation Days are upon us.
A third “polar vortex” is aiming at the U.S. this week and it could bring the lowest temperatures of this winter’s trio of storms.
The forecast models show the frigid arctic air reaching into northern Mexico and all the way to south-central Florida. Parts of the Gulf of Mexico could see temperatures well below freezing.
The vortex is also expected to be longer than the previous two, lasting almost three days in some regions. Cities in the upper to central Midwest could be facing lows below zero for consecutive days with wind chills that could reach -50 degrees.
The National Weather Service said it could actually be warmer in the nation’s northernmost city, Barrow, Alaska, than it could be in most of the Midwest. Barrow’s predicted high for Monday is -4 degrees. That is the same predicted high for Chicago.
Forecasters say the temperature without wind chill could reach -17 degrees downtown. Wind chills could surge past -40 degrees.
In the northern Midwest, residents faced an additional problem as high winds blew snow to the point it made travel impossible.
Officials across the Midwest are encouraging residents to stay inside for the next two days and avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.
Never ever even heard the term “polar vortex” until this winter! Weird.
Yes, in “southern” Minnesota it’s beyooond frigid. Strange when the “high” is below zero! Weekend blizzard snow, fierce howling winds & white outs have subsided. Feels like the air stands still & you can crack it with a clap of your hands. But, then your hands just might crack too. Deeply dark indigo night skys & electrifying piercing stars. We have sundogs around the sun all day …. magnificent colorful crescent rainbows that caress both sides of the sun at a distance. Sometimes a large faceted diamond appears in front. All this courtesy of His sun’s rays reflecting off ice crystals in the atmosphere. Certainly helps open the mind & our hearts sigh in awe. I like to imagine it to be what His 2nd coming may look like. Local tv stations may have pics for you. Bless you. Hope you’re staying close to loved ones & sharing the warmth. In His Hands, Linda.
When Jim Predicted that the Lord had told him COLD, COLD, COLD regarding the weather in 2014; and he said he didn’t know why that was all he got. WELL HELLO, coldest winter on record for many areas; I live in Palm Springs, CA and it is warm here, but I am from Muskegon, Michigan and when I see the weather here and on our Weather Chanel I THANK GOD for getting me out here in my GOLDEN years. We came to see you in October when Jonathan Cahn was taping with you..LOVED it. God Bless, Lainey
Well Pastor Jim did speak forth, “Cold, cold, cold!” I pray that “three is enough!!!!”
He sure got this one right!
You haven’t been wrong yet….I keep telling my kids about getting ready…..hope one day they listen and it’s not one day too late….Thanks Jim thanks Lori