The World is truly looking for a new leader: Biblical events are being set so keep your eyes looking up


2 John 1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Important Takeaways:

  • The World’s Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History
  • We enjoy living “quiet and peaceable” lives in Christ. Yet we know that the earth is headed for dark times. Christians will miss the worst of it, but until the rapture, we will see bad stuff. Chaos and fear will fuel Antichrist’s rise to power. The bedlam preparing the world for those times of chaos and fear, seems to have already begun. People have a deep sense of dissatisfaction. And that spells trouble for political incumbents worldwide
  • In the United Kingdom, conservatives are out and liberals in. In France, conservatives are rising and liberals diminishing. In fact, most of Europe has taken a turn to the right this year, including the EU itself. People everywhere are expressing frustration with their present leadership — whichever direction it leans. Dissatisfaction with incumbents is now a global phenomenon.
  • In just the last few days there have been increasing calls for the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In Iran, where choices are greatly limited, people just elected the most reformist candidate available to them. The world over, people want change
  • Then there is the United States. Here, the incumbent president faces a growing rebellion among leaders of his own party. Some have openly questioned his competence to run for reelection.
  • In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu faces unprecedented levels of criticism across the political spectrum. Either he’s prosecuting the war with too much vigor or not enough. Every peace plan is a political minefield, but so is every plan to continue the war.
  • The book of Daniel says that the seven years of tribulation will begin when Israel confirms a treaty with Antichrist.
  • I believe the present wave of global desperation will grow to a point of global anguish. And that anguish will call forth the most terrible villain of human history.
  • But remember. If you are a follower of Jesus, you’re not looking for Antichrist. You’re looking for the real Christ. Before the brief time of Antichrist’s reign, Jesus will snatch His people away from this world at the rapture. So, keep looking up!

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