Texas Lawmaker Crafting Law To Protect Unborn When Mother Brain Dead

Luke 17:28-30 “Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built” but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

A Texas lawmaker is standing up to say that just because a woman is brain dead it doesn’t mean the baby inside her is also dead.

Rep. Matt Krause is creating a bull that would allow the baby in the case to have his or her own representative in court to argue for the life of the child.

“You’ll hear what the family wants, and you’ll also give the pre-born child a chance to have a voice in court at that same time,” Krause told the Dallas Morning News. “The judge weighs everything and he or she makes their decision based on that.”

The proposed law in the wake of the case of Marlise Munoz, a 33-year-old woman who was found unconscious in the middle of the night.  Doctors say Marlise had suffered a blood clot in her lung which caused her to collapse.  She spent two months at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth where the baby had a measurable heartbeat despite the mother being brain dead.

The woman’s husband and parents wanted to end the life of Marlise and the unborn child as per her request. She did not want to be “kept alive by machines.”

The hospital said they could not remove Munoz from life support because of a Texas state law that prohibits the removal of life support to a pregnant woman.  Judge R.H. Wallace said that the woman was technically dead and so the law didn’t apply to her, allowing Erick Munoz, Lynne Machado and her husband to end the life of Marlise and the unborn baby.

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