Terrorist Attack In Kabul Thwarted

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

The National Directorate of Security foiled a potentially giant terrorist attack on the Afghani capital of Kabul.

A raid on a secret base of the al-Qaeda & Taliban affiliated Haqqani network recovered a large amount of weapons and explosives. At least six people were arrested and one terrorist reportedly was killed in the raid.

The United States has called Haqqani one of the major terrorist threats in Afghanistan because of their frequent attacks against foreign troops.

NDS officials said that five homicide bomber explosive vests were captures along with a heavy machine gun, assault rifles and grenades.

Officials said the cell admitted planning a major attack on government buildings in the capital. Of concern was identification from the Pakistani spy agency showing they have been providing support for the terrorist group.

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