Sun’s Magnetic Field Set To Flip

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The sun’s magnetic field is set to flip before the end of 2013 and could lead to major disruptions to satellite communications and even changes to our weather.

The sun is about to reach the peak of an 11-year solar activity cycle called the “Solar Maximum”. The outbursts of solar energy during the maximum increases cosmic and UV rays that could disrupt radio communications and can cause solar flares that could impact the planet’s temperature.

“The sun’s north pole has already changed sign, while the south pole is racing to catch up,” Stanford solar physicist Phil Scherrer said in a statement. “Soon, however, both poles will be reversed, and the second half of solar max will be underway.”

Physicists had feared this could be the biggest solar maximum ever but scientists quoted by NASA say the current solar maximum is the weakest in 100 years. The recorded number of sunspots is fewer than the maximums of previous cycles.

4 thoughts on “Sun’s Magnetic Field Set To Flip

  1. Why the big deal about this “flip”? I’m 75 years old and obviously lived through several of these and didn’t even know they existed. Is this one going to be bigger and more powerful or what? Maybe our government wants us more fearful, or maybe O—- will save us from this disaster too.

    Sorry Lord. Help me pray for our government.

  2. Jim and Lorie:
    Thank you for your comment section and God bless you all! Will this require usage of generators immediately? I have a crank -up radio but just have no idea what we will be in for. Do you have any idea how long it will last? Also Jim, is there any other way that I can get your show by television if I am not connected to a Cable company at present?(Can’t afford right now).
    Thank you ,may the peace of Jesus rest on any everything Dos had placed in your hands to do.

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